Kamis 07 Mar 2024 22:55 WIB

Baznas Health House Launched in Pesantren KHAS Cirebon

Baznas Health House in Ponpes KHAS Kempek Cirebon is built on waqf land.

Foto: blogspot.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) inaugurated Baznas Health House in Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Kyai Haji Aqil Sirodj (KHAS) Kempek, Cirebon, West Java, which will provide free health services for the poor and the poor in the region.

“I strongly support what Baznas RI has done, with the construction of Rumah Sehat in the boarding school, which is expected to provide free health services to the poor and the poor,” said Waryono Abdul Ghafur, Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment Ministry, in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday (7/3/2024).

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Waryono said Baznas Health House in Pondok Pesantren KHAS Kempek Cirebon was built on waqf land. For him, the development has proven that productively managed zakat and waqf can provide value and benefit for the welfare of the people.

Meanwhile Baznas RI Chairman Noor Achmad said Baznas Healthy House was built on the basis of the care of Baznas and muzaki to support the health of people living below the poverty line.

“Baznas Healthy Homes is one of Baznas's flagship programs as a non-structural government agency,” he said.

According to him, Baznas Health House will be professionally managed with the involvement of competent and qualified medical personnel. In the future, Noor hopes that Baznas Health House can be transformed into Kempek Cirebon Educational Hospital that can reach the wider community.

Earlier, Director General of Bimas Islam Kemenag Kamaruddin Amin invited Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) to provide education and understanding related to zakat to the community in an effort to improve development and well-being.

According to him, zakat and waqf have functioned in improving the welfare of the community. Therefore, zakat is also one of the sustainable development goals in the national Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Collecting zakat is the duty of all of us. On this basis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a regulator should synergize and collaborate with LAZ and the public, in order to raise public awareness for hazing,” Kamarudin said.

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