Senin 25 Mar 2024 17:31 WIB

Post-earthquake, Bawean Residents Khataman Koran Under Tent

Residents of Bawean Island still do not dare to sleep indoors.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Budi Raharjo
After being rocked by the earthquake on Friday (22/3/2024), Bawean residents performed worship activities outside their homes or mosques.
Foto: Dok Republika
After being rocked by the earthquake on Friday (22/3/2024), Bawean residents performed worship activities outside their homes or mosques.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- After being shocked by an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on Friday (22/3/2024), Bawean Island residents still do not dare to sleep indoors. They are still in the refugee tents and performing the Koran in the holy month of Ramadan.

Bawean resident, Nur Syarifuddin said that the Quran was performed by residents of Sumberlanas Village, Telukjatidawang Village, Tambak District, Bawean Island, Gresik Regency, Monday (25/3/2024) Early morning.

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“Keep honing spirituality. Khataman as an attempt at prayer in a place of refuge. Karna has not dared to sleep inside the house,” Syarifuddin said on Monday (25/3/2024).

During this month of Ramadan, residents continue to worship despite being in exile. In addition to the Qur'an, Bawean citizens also continue to perform tarawih prayers. Residents of Gunung Teguh village held this sunnah prayer outside their homes because they are still afraid of aftershocks.

“Yesterday residents were also still carrying out Isya and Tarawih worshipers outside the house, such as in Button Gunung Gelagas, Gunung Teguh Village,” another Bawean resident, Gus Nanang, told

As is known, the Bawean earthquake barrage resulted in thousands of homes and dozens of mosques being damaged. The head of the Bencan National Countermeasures Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto has visited Bawean Island directly on Sunday (24/3/2024).

Bawean Island is one of the earthquake-affected areas of several areas in East Java, after the first earthquake on Friday (22/3/2024).

Suharyanto's presence at the site is a direct order from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to express his sympathy and ensure that the basic needs of the affected citizens are properly met.

“He (Jokowi) expressed his sympathy and condolences for the earthquake that hit several areas of East Java, including on Bawean Island,” Suharyanto said.

During his visit to Bawean, Suharyanto also provided symbolic assistance to the residents affected by the earthquake, namely in the form of basic needs and will continue to be delivered again if needed.

“We came bringing assorted help, there was food, bedding, tents, blankets, generator sets, women's clothes, pampers, and cleaning tools later all prepared,” Suharyanto said.

“Don't worry, everyone will get help, because this Bawean Island is far away, not the goods that don't exist, but because of the transport,” he said.

Residents are welcome to evacuate with tented tents set up. “It is okay to stay in a refugee camp for one or two days, and the makeshift tents will be replaced with nicer ones,” Suharyanto said.

In addition to this assistance, BNPB will also provide assistance to fund the repair of homes that suffered damage from this earthquake.

“The central government, the provincial government and the district government are all united together. The central government will receive Rp 60 million compensation for the severely damaged house collapsing, moderate damage can also receive Tp 30 million, and lightly damaged ones will also receive Rp 15 million,” Suharyanto explained.

“Those who still have savings to spare, can repair themselves, can later be reimbursed by the government, their replacement rights will not be lost,” he said.



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