Rabu 27 Mar 2024 01:11 WIB

BCA Sharia Bank Donates Customer Zakat Funds to Baznas

Customers can take advantage of the autodebit feature available in deposit products.

Rep: Iit Septyaningsih/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
BCA Sharia and Baznas cooperate in the collection of Zakat Infak Alms, in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/3/2024).
Foto: Republiika/Iit Septyaningsih
BCA Sharia and Baznas cooperate in the collection of Zakat Infak Alms, in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank BCA Syariah (BCA Syariah) handed over its customers' zakat funds to Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas). During this time, the company has been working with Baznas to collect zakat, infak, and alms.

“Today's handover of zakat funds is a form of fulfilling our responsibility in distributing customer zakat funds that were assigned to BCA Sharia. We partner with Baznas, because of its credibility in managing zakat funds nationwide, so that it can provide maximum benefits to improve the economy of the mustahik,” said BCA Sharia Director Ina Widjaja at a Media Gathering in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

Baca Juga

During 2023, he said, Baznas has committed poverty alleviation to 54,081 poor mustahik fakirs. It was also given to 21,140 immortal souls of whom were extremely poor.

The head of Baznas Collection Field Rizaludin Kurniawan said that zakat has an important role in income equalization. It also helps improve the economy of the community.

Explained, Baznas manages and distributes zakat funds transparently and professionally.

“Through synergies with sharia banks, hopefully more and more people will benefit from the zakat that is distributed,” Rizal said on a similar occasion.

The zakat funds handed over to Baznas were then channeled through an economic empowerment program for micro-entrepreneurs in the form of capital assistance for business development for 30 micropreneurs in the East Jakarta area. In addition to business capital assistance, BCA Sharia and Baznas also provide financial management training.

It is said that there are two facilities that BCA Sharia customers can take advantage of in making zakat payments. First, customers can take advantage of the autodebit features available in deposit products such as savings, current accounts and deposits.

Through this feature, the yield earned by customers every month on deposit products will be automatically debited at 2.5 percent. So customers do not have to worry about forgetting to pay zakat. The second convenience is through the e-channel BCA Syariah Mobile and Click BCA Sharia, so you can talk anytime and anywhere.

Currently, there are 11 accounts of Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) registered on the transfer menu at BCA Shariah Mobile for transfers in the form of Zakat, Infak and Alms (ZIS). 2023 data shows that 33 percent of transactions are made through BCA Shariah Mobile.

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