Senin 08 Apr 2024 00:42 WIB

83 Thousand Motor Riders Entered the Pantura Cirebon-Semarang Line

The volume of motorcycle riders on the Pantura Line is predicted to fall on H-1 Lebaran.

A number of residents riding motorcycles headed to their home village, departing from Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, (19/4/2023). (Illustration)
Foto: AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim
A number of residents riding motorcycles headed to their home village, departing from Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, (19/4/2023). (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Cirebon--83 thousand commuters using motorcycles were reported to have crossed the Pantura Cirebon Line arterial road, West Java-Semarang, Central Java on Saturday (6/4/2024) in the early morning or H-4 before Lebaran 2024.

The data of the Cirebon City Government Lebaran Security Post report noted that the number increased by more than 40 percent compared to Friday (5/4/2024) or H-5 Lebaran, as many as 39,000 units of motor vehicles passed through the city.

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“The majority of commuters who are motorized come from Jakarta, passing through Cirebon to Central Java destinations starting from Semarang, Tegal, Pemalang and other cities,” said Kanggraksan Security Post Chief of the AKP City Cirebon City Police Joni Rahmat when met at Simpang Empat Kanggraksan on Saturday.

According to him, the number of motorized walkers crossing the Pantura Cirebon Line can continue to increase at least until H-2 Lebaran or Monday (9/4/2024).

Despite the increase in the volume of vehicles, police officers made sure that the traffic flow of the Pantura Cirebon Line in the crowded conditions was unhindered.

This is because, according to him, the police together with the Cirebon Transportation Department have made a number of regulatory efforts. Among these are restrictions on the activity of three-axed trucks and the blockage of the turnpike.

“It has been taken into account before and can be proven today after efforts have been made to restrict and block the flow of crowded but smooth traffic,” he said.

It expects that the volume of motorized loaders on the Pantura Cirebon-Semarang Line will begin to slow down on H-1 Lebaran or Tuesday (9/4/2024) morning. Some of them have arrived in their respective cities of destination.

Meanwhile, Sonny (39 years old), a motorbike rider from Indramayu for the Pemalang destination, admitted that his trip went safely and smoothly. What's more, there are few potholes along the Pantura Indramayu-Cirebon Trail, and there are many homecoming security posts that provide places to rest.

“The conditions this year are much more than last year's homecoming trip,” he said.

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