Kamis 11 Apr 2024 02:30 WIB

Al-Azhar Mosque Holds 15 Thousand Worshippers at Eid Prayer 1445 H

A number of people started coming to Al-Azhar Mosque from 5.30 pm.

Rep: Antara/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Al Azhar Mosque will host 15,000 worshipers at Eid al-Fitr prayer this year. (illustration)
Foto: Masjid Agung Al-Azhar
Al Azhar Mosque will host 15,000 worshipers at Eid al-Fitr prayer this year. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Al-Azhar Grand Mosque Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta hosts about 15 thousand devotees at the 1445 Hijri Eid al-Fitr prayer on Wednesday (10/4/2024) morning.

“God willing we can accommodate 15,000 worshippers,” said the head of the Al-Azhar Kebayoran Baru Grand Mosque Tatang Komara met at the Al-Azhar Kebayoran Baru Grand Mosque in Jakarta on Wednesday morning.

Baca Juga

If the worshippers who come to the mosque exceed 15 thousand people, it has provided a hall for them to follow the Id prayer.

A number of people began to come to Al-Azhar Mosque from 5.30 pm. They immediately took up prayer positions as prepared by the Al-Azhar Mosque, namely male worshippers in the green square and women in the green field boundary up to the entrance of the mosque. 

According to the schedule, the imam of Eid prayer at Al-Azhar Kebayoran Baru Mosque is Ustaz Augus Nur Qowin and khatib Chairman of Al Azhar Islamic Pesantren Foundation (YPI) for Education and Social Affairs as well as Chairman of Takmir Grand Masjid Al Azhar Kebayoran Baru KH Zahrudin Sultoni.

Earlier, the Ministry of Religious Affairs set 1 Syawal 1445 Hijri or Eid al-Fitri 1445 Hijri to fall on Wednesday, through a prayer session held at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office in Jakarta on Tuesday (9/4) evening.
“Based on the assessment of the crescent position of the Indonesian region that has already entered the MABIMS criteria, as well as the presence of visible crescent reports, it was agreed that the 1st Shawal of 1445 Hijri falls on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 AD,” Yaqut Religious Affairs Minister Cholil Qoumas said in a press conference establishing the Isbat hearing.

With this stipulation, it is ensured that 1 Shawal 1445 Hijri between the decrees of the government, including Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah falls on the same day.

The session was attended by representatives of religious organizations, the Meteorological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), astronomers, representatives of friendly countries, and other invited guests.

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