Kamis 11 Apr 2024 23:27 WIB

Eid al-Fitri Strengthens Universal Brotherhood

Eid al-Fitri should be welcomed with an improvement in the quality of worship.

Rector of UIN Datokarama Lukman S Thahir.
Foto: Antara
Rector of UIN Datokarama Lukman S Thahir.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALU -- Rector of Islamic State University (UIN) Datokarama Palu, Central Sulawesi Lukman S Thahir said Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri became a momentum of bonding the brotherhood of fellow human beings, without looking at any background.

“By returning to fitrah, as human beings we must improve our attitudes and actions in strengthening the brotherhood among human beings,” he said while acting as a khatib for the 1445 Hijri Eid al-Fitr prayer at the Grand Mosque of Palu in Palu on Wednesday.

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UIN Professor of Philosophy Datokarama, who is also the Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Sulteng Region, delivered a sermon on caring for kefitraha after Ramadan.

He said that relations between people or humanitarian relations within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia need to be cared for and maintained.

In order to maintain this relationship, people must continue to spread affection and kindness to everyone while maintaining the three things that can undermine the brotherhood of fellow children of the nation within the framework of the NKRI.

Three things human beings should be wary of in this life are possessions, thrones, and women, where fellow social beings can quarrel, fight, and discredit human values out of arrogance and the blinding of possessions and office.

“So the fasting that has been practiced for a month in the month of Ramadan really controls hunger and thirst and the appetite of the martyrs. We have all fasted in Ramadan, it means that we return to prophetic traditions so that we may receive grace and grace from God Almighty,” he said.

He recalls the story of the Prophet Adam as one of the prophets dear to God. However, the Prophet Adam had to come out of heaven and descend to the face of the Earth for making a mistake.

“When on Earth, the Lord commanded Gabriel to convey to the Prophet Adam, that the Prophet Adam should fast. By fasting, then the Prophet Adam will return to his fitrah,” he said.

Fasting becomes a prophetic tradition that can shape the spiritual at the same time as shaping the character of man and as a controller of lust, whose meaning and subtlety must be applied by man in religious social life.

sumber : Antara
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