Kamis 11 Apr 2024 23:55 WIB

Governor of East Kalimantan Celebrated Eid al Fitr with Orphans

Lebaran should be a momentum sharing with orphans.

Illustration shared with orphans.
Foto: istimewa
Illustration shared with orphans.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- Acting Governor of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Akmal Malik visited the orphans of Kasih Bunda Utari Orphanage of Kharisma Pertiwi Foundation in Samarinda, on the first day of Eid al-Fitri 1445 Hijri, Wednesday.

“From the visit, we found the conditions of the home worrying, so we are committed to providing permanent assistance so that they can live comfortably and decently,” said Akmal Malik.

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According to him, the existence of orphanages becomes the responsibility of the state and society. The visited foundation houses disadvantaged children, who need to be of mutual concern.

Akmal Malik admitted he was concerned to see the condition of the parlour and had not been able to provide assistance at the time. However, he made sure the Kaltim Provincial Government helped the orphanage.

“The state and the government must intervene permanently, not just monthly,” he said.

Akmal explained the home housed disadvantaged children, including victims of violence from neighbors and parents.

“Of the four homes I visited, the Kasih Bunda Utari Orphanage and the Karisma Pertiwi Foundation were the saddest. I also commissioned the Social Service to do the handling, as this should be a concern of the government,” he said.

Akmal Malik said Kaltim was a wealthy area and should guarantee a decent life for orphans as well as nurture those children.

“God willing, all leaders will do the same, just not yet on the field. We are coordinating with the local mayor and finding solutions, so that the conditions on the ground are safe for children who have problems,” he said.

Akmal added the parlour houses the children of rape victims left behind by their parents. “Therefore, as leaders, we are committed to helping. Of course, we also want a helping hand from the benefactors, that there are our brothers who need help,” he said.

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