Selasa 16 Apr 2024 20:38 WIB

Police Ensure All Synergy Parties Provide Best Service for Lebaran

Securing the flow of homecoming and returning Lebaran traditions that must be secured every year.

Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that all parties are synergistic in order to secure the implementation of the return flow of Lebaran 2024.
Foto: humas mabes polri
Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that all parties are synergistic in order to secure the implementation of the return flow of Lebaran 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that all parties are synergistic in order to secure the implementation of the Lebaran 2024 return flow.

This was stated by the Police Chief while reviewing the implementation of reverse flow at KM 70 Cikampek Toll along with PMK Minister Muhadjir Effendy, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Monday (15/4/2024).

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The police chief said that securing the flow of homecoming and returning to Lebaran is a tradition that must be secured every year. Moreover, according to a survey this year, the number of people returning home has increased.

“As directed by Mr. President, we must secure homecoming and return, as has been the tradition that has existed so far. Based on the results of Mr. Menhub's survey, which in 2024 there will be an increase, we will inevitably have to synergize with all existing stakeholders, both from transportation, Jasa Marga, Jasa Raharja, TNI, Polri, Kemenko PMK and other colleagues. We see everything working optimally,” Sigit said.

Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that all parties are synergistic in order to secure the implementation of the return flow of Lebaran 2024 homecoming. - (humas mabes polri)

This former police officer said, based on the results of the reports he has received to this day, although the number of return and return is much higher, everything can be managed well.

“It is reported by Jasa Marga that today, h+2 and h+3 from the side of existing management, the amount that is back monitored could be broken down in the presence of the WFH decision,” Sigit said.

Further, he said that it is predicted that later in the evening there will be a peak of the countercurrent. To that end, he wishes all stakeholders to provide the best service.

In addition, the former Banten police chief said that the two-day WFH policy on April 16 and 17 and the discount of toll rates provided can also solve the backflow density.

“Hopefully if it doesn't have to be tonight, I can choose the next day in the two days that have been given. It helps to parse the density,” Sigit said.

Several strategies to address congestion have also been prepared, including preparing arterial routes in case of congestion on the motorway. In addition, there is also one way traffic engineering and contraflow that will still be implemented.

“It's asking people to understand it (traffic engineering). We do so that both those who will carry out reverse flows and tourist activities can all be served,” Sigit said.

For the reverse flow path at the Bakauheni crossing towards Merak, Sigit said, ASDP is also ready to provide services and strategies to avoid overcrowding.

“The backflow through the Bakauheni to Peacock line has increased. Hope we can all be well served,” Sigit concluded.

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