Selasa 16 Apr 2024 22:58 WIB

Economic Potency of Lebaran Holidays Reaches IDR 369.8 Trillion

The majority of tourism on Lebaran 2024 holiday is dominated by family trips.

A number of residents rest while sightseeing at Tebet Eco Park, Tebet, Jakarta, Monday (15/4/2024). The city park is an alternative tourist destination for residents to spend the holiday of Lebaran 1445 Hijri. Easy access to the city park and free access without charge to the city park is a great choice for residents who want to vacation among other tourist attractions.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
A number of residents rest while sightseeing at Tebet Eco Park, Tebet, Jakarta, Monday (15/4/2024). The city park is an alternative tourist destination for residents to spend the holiday of Lebaran 1445 Hijri. Easy access to the city park and free access without charge to the city park is a great choice for residents who want to vacation among other tourist attractions.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) said that tourist trips on the holiday of Lebaran 2024 are dominated by family trips.

“With partners or with whom they travel, most are almost 90 percent with family. So it's true that homecoming is a family moment,” said Adyatama Kepariwisataan and Creative Economy Utama Expert Nia Niscaya in a weekly press meeting monitored online in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/4/2024).

Baca Juga

The Ministry of Finance revealed that the potential economic turnaround that occurred during the 2024 Lebaran holiday based on a survey conducted by it reached Rp 369.8 trillion.

“This we present the figure of a potential economic turnaround of approximately IDR 369.8 trillion,” Nia said.

Based on the statistics of the movement of tourists in the archipelago (visnus), he continued, the highest achievement of visnus movement was when homecoming recorded this year was 89.9 percent with the mode of transportation of private vehicles at 74.9 percent.

As for the people on Lebaran holidays, this time it has flooded a number of destinations such as beaches or lakes, culinary centers, mountains or agrotourism, recreation parks or zoos and shopping centers.

Nia also noted that the structure of people's spending is revealed in several things such as accommodation, transportation, eating and shopping for souvenirs that are characteristic of Indonesian tourists.

“And the criteria of visnus and national tourists (wisnas) if they come out is shopping for souvenirs for the neighbor, his sister, so the souvenir is indeed Indonesian DNA,” he said.

On the other hand, during the Lebaran holiday, it also noted that there are a number of obstacles that occur when people carry out tourist activities, among which are congestion, tourist destinations are crowded or full, weather conditions, prices suddenly increase, there are inadequate facilities because at the same time there is a simultaneous surge.

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