Selasa 23 Apr 2024 21:10 WIB

Celebrating 87th Anniversary in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Air Force Deployed 1,025 Personnel

Indonesia Air Force is encouraged to be adaptive.

Rep: Yode Arumnda/Anastasya Caroline/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Indonesia Air Force (AU) commemorated its 78th Anniversary (Anniversary).
Foto: Anastasya Caroline
Indonesia Air Force (AU) commemorated its 78th Anniversary (Anniversary).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — The Air Force (AU) commemorated its 78th Anniversary (Anniversary) at Airgantara Field, Air Force Academy Complex (AAU), Yogyakarta, Monday (22/4/2024) morning. The 78th Anniversary Commemoration of the AU Army raised the theme of Adaptive, Modern, Professional, Superior, and Humanist and Loving the People in Preserving National Sovereignty.

In this ceremony, the AU military fielded 1,025 personnel. From the students of the Air Force Academy to the personnel of each unit. As for the civil servants who serve in the military environment of the Air Force. Army Commander General Agus Subiyanto acts as an inspector of the ceremony for the 78th Anniversary of the AU Army

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In his speech, General Agus Subiyanto advised that the role of the AU military as the national aerospace guard should be adaptive to all developments in the strategic environment. “The geopolitical conditions in the Middle East are currently heating up and in the South China Sea regional level to date there are still conflicts that cannot be completely resolved,” Agus Subiyanto said on Monday.

As it is common knowledge that geopolitical conditions in the Middle East today have heated up after Iran launched drone and missile attacks on Israel. In which Israel then responded by launching missiles in retaliation against Iran.

Therefore, the AU military as the national aerospace guard should be able to be adaptive to all developments in the strategic environment including accompanying technologies for the sake of the integrity of the unity and unity of the nation. As an implementation in the face of the development of a very dynamic strategic environment, the military air force gradually after increasing the capabilities of its allies.

Among them are a number of Rafale fighter aircraft, C130 J super Hercules transport aircraft, H 225 M Caracal helicopters, Anka unmanned aircraft, GM 403 missiles, Nassam missiles and other missions. “In addition, the improvement of the capabilities of the equipment was also implemented through the F-16 aircraft upgrade program and the modernization of the C 130 H Hercules aircraft ,” Agus Subiyanto said.

“I (TNI Commander-in-Chief) hope that the increased capabilities of the personnel will make the AU military not only superior but also more respected in the region,” the TNI Commander added.

More than that, the modernization that is already underway is expected to be a starting point for the Air Force military to mature the concept of posture and Sentral 2025-2044 as a supply of air defense to Indonesia gold 2045. Ending his mandate, the TNI Commander also hopes that the AU military puts forward humanist factors to help people's difficulties through various humanitarian programs and activities.

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