Rabu 24 Apr 2024 22:40 WIB

Indonesian Students Win Gold in Global Competition in Australia

Expected more Indonesian students to achieve international achievements.

Indonesian students successfully proved their ability in Mathematics at International Mathematics Exam Center (IMEC) 2024.
Foto: mccarthyford.co
Indonesian students successfully proved their ability in Mathematics at International Mathematics Exam Center (IMEC) 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian students successfully proved their abilities in Mathematics at the International Mathematics Exam Center (IMEC) 2024 event, held on April 14-21, 2024 in Sydney, Australia, by taking home the gold medal after beating 11 other countries.

KBRI Canberra, through an official statement received in Jakarta on Wednesday, said that the outstanding student was named Ronald Rauf Nurima. The 10th grade student of Sekolah Insan Cendikia Madani successfully competed with teams from other countries including Australia, England, and, China.

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In addition to IMEC 2024, at the same place and time also hosted The Junior English Olympiad (JEO). At the event, 7th grade student from Kesatuan Bangsa Jogjakarta school, Rezvan Arshaq Ardana won the gold medal.

JEO is organized by the Universal Center of Educational Platforms (UniCEP) with the aim of providing useful English language intellectual competitions for students from different countries.

The victory of Indonesian students in the IMEC and JEO events was warmly welcomed by the Education and Culture Attaché (Atdikbud) of KBRI Canberra and the Lighting, Social and Cultural Function (Pensosbud) of KJRI Sydney.

According to Atdikbud, Mukhamad Najib, this reception and banquet for students and companions is a form of appreciation of the Indonesian representative office in Australia for the spirit of Indonesian students in bringing the good name of the nation to international events.

Atdikbud Najib believes that students who participate in international events will gain invaluable experience, one of which is an increased sense of confidence. “This proves that Indonesian students have abilities that are not inferior to students in developed countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom. This victory can certainly be capital to be able to appear more confident as a future Indonesian child who is advancing,” he said.

Senada, coordinator of Pensosbud KJRI Sydney function, Abdul Nazar expressed his appreciation and congratulations for the achievements that the Indonesian contingent has achieved, both in the International Mathematics Competition and the English Olympic Games.

Nazar hopes that more Indonesian students will be able to achieve international achievements in the future. Nazar believes that this kind of competition can be an event to build networks and cooperation between schools in Indonesia and Australia as well as other countries.

According to Dwi Riana Setiawati from the Institute of Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMASO) Indonesia, as the team leader, IMASO Indonesia has prepared the students with various exercises before leaving for Sydney. That way, the students have a thorough preparation when going to participate in the race.

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