Jumat 26 Apr 2024 22:49 WIB

Megawati leads Coordination Meeting to Face District Elections 2024

PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri leads meeting to face 2024 district elections.

PDIP General Chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri. Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri leads the racor to face the 2024 concurrent elections.
Foto: Republika/Nawir Arsyad Akbar
PDIP General Chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri. Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri leads the racor to face the 2024 concurrent elections.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PDI Perjuangan General Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri chaired a coordination meeting attended by central administrators, heads of regional heads and key cadres to prepare for the 2024 concurrent elections. The meeting was held in closed session at the Party School Building in Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Friday (26/4/2024).

“I ask that we gather as soon as possible to head to the elections later to conduct this meeting,” Megawati said in a statement in Jakarta on Friday.

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He also asked that the cadres of the party emblazoned with the white muzzle of the bull remain vibrant, because they work for the nation and the country. “My spirit, our spirit never fades, because we work for the nation and the country,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, PDI Struggle Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the coordination meeting was held amid the strengthening of the movement to save democracy and reform amid pressure due to intimidation. At the behest of Megawati, the process of democratic life must go on. Therefore, Megawati ordered that today's meeting be held.

“Regional chiefs and deputy heads of regions, especially those who have just served one term, are gathered to awaken his spirit. At this meeting, many regional chiefs/deputy heads of regions are women in PDI Perjuangan, as the party that places the most women as regional heads,” explained Hasto.

He explained that in this meeting, in addition to listening to the directives from the general chairman, this meeting was discussed regarding the stages of the elections and the movement plans that the party will implement. It was also agreed that all steps would be taken to continue fighting for the sake of raising Greater Indonesia.

In addition, Hasto explained that this meeting also discussed the results of the 2024 legislative election. His party saw in the midst of intimidation; the onslaught of political money arrows and the abuse of power arrows, PDI Struggle remained number one. This is in line with targets agreed by the party in the last congress implemented.

“Thank you to the community. Because in the midst of intimidation, political money arrows and abuse of power, PDI Struggle is still able to become number one,” he said.

The evaluation of the results of the last election also found that at the provincial level, the winning of votes decreased, there was still an increase in the number of provincial parliamentary leadership obtained by PDI Perjuangan cadres throughout Indonesia.

“With the current tremendous pressure, the military will continue, but we insist on continuing to stand with the Indonesian people,” Hasto said.

At the meeting, it was also announced that the regional manager was successful because he managed to increase the votes and win the seats of the Council, from 100 to 200 percent.

Among others mentioned are East Luwu Regency, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Nias Regency, Natuna Regency, as well as the Sula Islands Regency of North Maluku.

“We thank the cadre for the hard work of the cadres and thank the people for this support,” he said.

A number of PDIP DPP managers such as Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Deputy Treasurer Rudianto Tjen to DPP Chairmen such as Komaruddin Watubun, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Bambang Wuryanto, Ahmad Basarah, Wuryanti Sukamdani, Rokhmin Dahuri, and Ribka Tjiptaning were present.

The regional heads present are the bupati/deputy regents, mayors/deputy mayors, and governors/deputy governors from all over Indonesia. The participants of the meeting numbered nearly 200 people.

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