Jumat 26 Apr 2024 23:36 WIB

Police Officer Suicide In a Car In Mampang Jakarta

The police member allegedly committed suicide with a firearm.

Police line (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Jafkhairi
Police line (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A police member of Manado Police, North Sulawesi, was found dead with gunshot wounds in a car on Jalan Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta. The police member allegedly committed suicide.

“Yes, that's right. Not a shooting yes. But suicide,” Metro Police Chief Jaksel Kombes Pol Ade Rahmat Idnal said when confirmed in Jakarta on Friday.

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According to him, a member of the Manado Police Department with the rank of Brigadier allegedly shot himself with a firearm. “He killed himself by shooting himself in the head using a senpi (firearm),” he said.

Kombes Pol Ade Rahmat has not detailed the exact chronology of the events, as officers are still steeped in the case, and it will be presented to the media once it is complete.

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sumber : Antara
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