Senin 06 May 2024 23:30 WIB

GP Ansor Nahdlatul Ulama Encourages Young People to Love the Environment More

Ansor Go Green to encourage young people to love their environment.

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
The Youth Movement (GP) Ansor launches Ansor Go Green at Bangsring Beach, Banyuwangi, East Java..
Foto: Dok Republika
The Youth Movement (GP) Ansor launches Ansor Go Green at Bangsring Beach, Banyuwangi, East Java..

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANYUWANGI — Ansor Youth Movement (GP) launched Ansor Go Green at Bangsring Beach, Banyuwangi, East Java. Through Ansor Go Green, it is hoped that young people in particular Ansor youth can love and appreciate the environment more.

“Ansor Go Green to encourage young people to love their environment,” said General Chairman of the Ansor GP Center Addin Jauharudin, Republika, Sunday (5/5/2024).

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According to Gus Addin, the launch of Ansor Go Green represents a series of activities from the 90th Harlah GP Ansor, which will be the turning point in the changing face of GP Ansor. In other words, Ansor, which is born to young Indonesian children, in the future should be able to absorb every productive and innovative activity of young children.

“GP Ansor recently conducted Gowes 90 kilometers from GP Ansor's office on Jalan Kramat Raya to Ponpes Albaqiyatussholihat as well as the tomb of Mama Cibogo, one of Hadratussyaikh KH Hashim Asy'ari santri. In the future there will be many more innovative activities from young people at GP Ansor,” said Addin.

As for the launch site in Banyuwangi, Gus Addin explained, because Banyuwangi has a lot of historical value for GP Ansor. GP Ansor said he, was founded in Banyuwangi in 1934 at the time of the 9th Muktamar NU on 21-26 April 1934.

“Banyuwangi is a sacred land. Right at this point (Banyuwangi) GP Ansor was established in 1934 (9th Muktamar NU on 21—26 April 1934). Not far away is the tomb of the muassis (founder) of NU KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin. And this place is the founding of the Kingdom of Blambangan in the 16th century, after Majapahit,” Gus Addin said.

The launch event of Ansor Go Green was attended by the Minister of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas, who has also been the Regent of Banyuwangi for two periods. On this occasion also, Gus Addin conveyed that Abdullah Azwar Anas is the Advisory Board of PP GP Ansor period 2024-2029.

“Don't forget, he's an advisor to all of us. Therefore, he became Minister for RB, Minister of Empowerment of Ansor and Banser,” said Gus Addin, who was greeted with laughter from all the audience.

On the occasion, Gus Addin also alluded to Indonesia's growing tourism industry, and one of them in Banyuwangi. Therefore, it is important to take care of the comfort of the visiting tourists.

“Then the most important thing is to take care of the tourists, the people who visit. It makes sure they feel comfortable, safe and happy,” Gus Addin said.

The Cirebon born man then added how important Ansor cadres take on the role of taking advantage of the great opportunities of tourism throughout Indonesia by developing competence as a BNSP certified tourism guide as a solemn part of the ideology for the organization.

“This is part solemn, part ideological, hablul minal nature,” he concluded.

In the Ansor Go Green series, GP Ansor also made the climb to Kawan Ijen, raising the red and white flag and GP Ansor at the site.

Before the launch of Ansor Go Green, there was also a pilgrimage to the Tomb of KhR As'ad Samsul Arifin as well as a pilgrimage to KHR Azaim Ibrahimy Nurse Ponpes Salafiyah Shafiiyah, followed by a pilgrimage to Lubang Buaya Cemetuk and where GP Ansor was founded, namely the Kiai Saleh Lateng Lateng Banyuwangi boarding school.

In various regions, Administrators of Regions, Branches, and Children Branches of GP Ansor throughout Indonesia have carried out Go Green activities in their respective regions. Among them, the planting of 1,000 Mangroves on the coast of Kendari Bay carried out by GP Ansor of Southeast Sulawesi Region, GP Ansor Jember cleaned Mosques, neighborhoods, offices of NU, up to Canga'an Beach, as well as other regions, branches, and branches throughout Indonesia, as PC GP Ansor Regency Brebes carried out beach cleaning.

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