Kamis 09 May 2024 22:55 WIB

Students Should be Critical towards Government Policies

Dudung believes that a student must have a noble character.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General (Purn) Dudung Abdurrachman.
Foto: Republika/Dessy Suciati Saputri
Former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General (Purn) Dudung Abdurrachman.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former Chief of Army Staff (KSAD), General (Purn) Dudung Abdurachman, advised students to remain and continue to be critical of government policies. According to him, students are agents of change who play a positive role in shaping people's lives.

“Students should be able to be critical of what is happening in government, government policies should be able to be properly analyzed for the benefit of society,” Dudung said in a press release in Jakarta, Thursday (9/5/2024).

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Dudung said that students have many roles in terms of society. For example, he said, students as agents of change or agents of change should be able to play a positive role in shaping people's lives.

“In the formation of morals, morals and ethics. I often say that in Islam there are three, there is sharia, there is a creed, there is morality,” said the former commander of Kostrad.

Dudung believes that a student must have noble morals, because morals can be seen directly by fellow human beings. So, how students behave in the middle of society, then that will be the benchmark.

“As agents of change, students become figures in society, their morals are tested, their morals become examples in behavior. So that he became the (exemplary) figure of his younger brothers and so on,” Dudung said.

He said that today's young people, who are already able to adapt to modern technology, should be more critical of the development of the situation. That's because college students are known for their intellectuality.

“Because students know better, understand, with a high intellectual level, see directly in society how changes and how government policies change, whether it gets to the bottom or not? Students should appear to give advice and input,” Dudung said.

As the next generation, according to Dudung, students are expected to be resilient human beings, have noble abilities and morals, able to compete in the social order of life without leaving aside values and norms in society.

“As a moral force, students also play an role as an example in the midst of society, able to adapt to values and morals in the community environment,” Dudung said.

Subsequently, Dudung stressed that students also have a role as political control, that is, they play the role of providing insight and awareness to society, as well as being the mouthpiece of the government in providing policy understanding from the socio-political aspects.

“And finally, as a guardian of the high values of the academic community seeking truth and scientific logic, it is able to safeguard and obey the rights and obligations of students and maintain the values of the rules written or not written by educational institutions,” Dudung said.

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