Senin 13 May 2024 00:42 WIB

Scholarships Info from Australia for Indonesian Students, here's the explanation

Scholarships should be used to build a homeland.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Scholarship (illustration)
Foto: PxHere
Scholarship (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- The Australian Government is preparing 20 scholarship programs for Eastern Indonesia in 2024 to strengthen Indonesia-Australia diplomatic relations.

Australian Consul-General Todd Dias said that as Consul General Australia was always looking for opportunities for people from Eastern Indonesia, particularly South Sulawesi, to get scholarships or short courses in Australia.

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“Last year there were 10 short courses, this year there were 20 courses. I announce every time there are short courses on social media and I also travel to campuses for student public lectures and I want to increase the number of Australian alumni here,” Dias said at the Alumni Australia meeting in Makassar City on Saturday.

For Dias, she is also constantly providing information to students at various campuses regarding the sustainability of Master and S3 education through the Australian Student Alumni Association (IKAMA).