Rabu 22 May 2024 23:24 WIB

Metro Police Investigates a Man Swearing While Stepping Quran

Metro Jaya Police Investigates Ex-Ministry Officials Who Swore While Stamping On Quran

Blasphemy of Quran (illustration).
Foto: Republika
Blasphemy of Quran (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Metro Jaya police are still investigating a case of alleged blasphemy with the perpetrator of the former Head of the Office of the X Regional Airport Authority Merauke with the initials AK who swore while treading on the Quran.

“We are still engaged,” said Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Officer, Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi when confirmed in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/5/2024).

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Ade Ary said his side is still steeped in the presence or absence of criminal elements in the case. He also asked the public to wait for further developments of the case.

“Receiving the police report, investigators then conduct an investigation, which is a series of attempts to delve into whether the reported events are suspected criminal events or not,” he said.

When confirmed regarding the reported summons, Ade Ary admitted that he still had not done the scheduling. “Will be scheduled, please time,” he said.

Earlier, Metro Jaya Police said it will process a report of an alleged case of religious blasphemy committed by the Head of the Office of the Airport Authority of Region X Merauke with the initials AK who swore while treading the Quran.

“We received reports of cases of alleged blasphemy reported by AK brothers in the police report,” said Metro Jaya Kombes Police Public Relations Kabid Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi when confirmed in Jakarta on Friday (17/5).

Ade Ary added that his agency would follow up the report by checking the complainant until it was reported.

Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Air Transport (Ditjen Hubud) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has temporarily reassigned the Head of the Office of the Airport Authority (OBU) of Region X Merauke, South Papua.

The temporary reassignment of this post was made to facilitate further examination of alleged domestic violence cases (KDRT), which had been internally reported to the Ministry of Transportation, through the Human Resources and Organizations Section (SDMO) of the Air Transport Directorate.

“We regret the case of KDRT involving the Head of the Airport Authority of Region X (Merauke) Asep Kosasih. Currently, those concerned have been reassigned to facilitate the investigation,” said Secretary General of Air Transport Cecep Kurniawan in a statement, in Jakarta, Thursday (16/5)


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