Jumat 24 May 2024 22:32 WIB

Jakbar Police Officers Visited Home of Ustaz Saidi Who was Stabbed While Praying

Police has arrested the suspected man who stabbed Ustaz Saidi.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Murder case (illustration)
Foto: pixabay
Murder case (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi visits the funeral home of the late ustadz Saidi (72), a mushalla priest in Kebon Jeruk who was stabbed by an unknown person (OTK) on Thursday (16/5) in the early morning.

The police chief arrived with the group to express his condolences and collect supporting evidence. “Today we came to the scene of the crime accompanied by investigators taking back supporting evidence to uncover these events,” Syahduddi told reporters at the victim's home on Thursday.

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Syahduddi said investigators had examined as many as 22 witnesses, both from the victim's family, local residents, and other related parties.

“Currently, we have carried out the examination process of 22 witnesses, both from the families of the victims, local residents, as well as parties associated with this crime,” Syahduddi said.