Senin 27 May 2024 21:00 WIB

Government Conserves Shark and Partridge Habitats

These policies include the designation of conservation areas.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Tourists watch the Black Fin Shark.
Foto: Antara/Muhammad Adimaja
Tourists watch the Black Fin Shark.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP) through the Directorate General of Marine and Marine Space Management (DJPKRL) continues to strengthen efforts to protect the critical habitat of sharks and rays in Indonesia. This is in line with one of the CCP's blue economic programs, which is to expand marine conservation areas.

“Currently, out of 118 conservation areas designated by the CCP, 28 areas with an area of 5.75 million hectares are conservation areas with sharks and rays as the target fish species for conservation,” said Director General of Marine and Marine Space Management Victor Gustaf Manoppo in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday (25/5/2024).

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Victor also reiterated Indonesia's commitment to protecting and conserving sharks and rays through various policies and initiatives. These policies include the designation of conservation areas, the determination of their protected status and the regulation of their trade through the international convention on trade in endangered species (CITES).

“The conservation of sharks and rays is seen as strategic to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem given its high levels of utilization both as a target fishery and as a bycatch. To that end, its conservation efforts include habitat protection as well as its utilization arrangements,” Victor said.

Victor hopes that the results of research and data on critical habitats of sharks and rays collected during the symposium can be recommended as target areas for the expansion of marine conservation areas, which is one of the CCP's priority agenda for the blue economy.

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