Selasa 28 May 2024 00:37 WIB

Islam Pays Great Attention to Human Reason

Brain cells (illustration). Islam pays great attention to human reason

human reason (illustration).
Foto: Freepik
human reason (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— The question of reason is raised specifically in the Quran. The Arabic word aql is mentioned in the Quran 49 times.

Many verses even encourage man to maximize the use of his intellect in order to lead a better life in the world.

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The expert on the interpretation of the Quran, Prof. M. Quraish Shihab, in the book Religious Logic: The Position of Revelation and the Limits of Reason in Islam explains that the word reason itself, citing the opinion of Imam Ghazali, has many meanings.

Reason is the potential that distinguishes man from animal and that makes man capable of receiving a wide range of theoretical knowledge. In addition, reason is also knowledge that is digested by a child who has approached adulthood. Intellect can also be understood as the knowledge acquired by a person based on his experience which in turn refines his spirit.

Nevertheless, there are limits that need to be known regarding the existence of this reason. As quoted from Chapter al-Mulk verse 10, the word na'qil (we are intelligent) is mentioned, according to its linguistic meaning, aql (sense), which means a leash.” It is a human potential whose function is as a leash that will prevent him from falling into sin.”

Such wisdom must be sought to attain it, because it can save a person later. For without reason, he said, anyone will surely fall into trouble even if he has competent theoretical knowledge.

Likewise, if what reason is meant is the potential of human thinking that leads it to be able to reach and understand all problems, but it must be said that that potential is not adequate.

It is explained that in every religion there are teachings that cannot be digested by reason and practices whose nature is ta'abbudiy that is inaccessible to reason, although they do not contradict reason.

“Descriptions concerning metaphysical questions are not within the realm of reason and its ability to digest it let alone reject it,” the Quraish states in his book.

He pointed out that there are people who want to see God, but they cannot see the sun alone because all that can be seen is the light. “Even the light we can't catch for long. It shows that humans are cavalier,” he said later.

Therefore, in this regard, the Quraish once again emphasizes that the Dzat of God is unlimited. Wherever man is, God is there. “He knows you and is always watching. If I say there is no God, then I cannot accept how something can exist when no one exists.”

Also known as rational, this is what is affordable and justified by reason. There is also the irrational, which is contrary to reason and there is the so-called supra-rational which is the true but indigestible essence of reason.

Therefore, he said, reason has its territory, and so does religion. The two must recognize each other and must not contradict each other.” Because it is so controversial, one of them must be mistaken,” said the former ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt, Djibouti and Somalia, adding that there is a difference between something that contradicts reason and something that reason does not yet understand.

So in essence, reason and logic can only reach those things that are born and manifest to the human eye. While things are unseen and hidden behind the words, the truth is that if they are not explained by Allah or the Messenger of Allah, it will be difficult and impossible for human reason to reach them.

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