Selasa 28 May 2024 00:37 WIB

Islam Pays Great Attention to Human Reason

Brain cells (illustration). Islam pays great attention to human reason

Red: Erdy Nasrul
human reason (illustration).
Foto: Freepik
human reason (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— The question of reason is raised specifically in the Quran. The Arabic word aql is mentioned in the Quran 49 times.

Many verses even encourage man to maximize the use of his intellect in order to lead a better life in the world.

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The expert on the interpretation of the Quran, Prof. M. Quraish Shihab, in the book Religious Logic: The Position of Revelation and the Limits of Reason in Islam explains that the word reason itself, citing the opinion of Imam Ghazali, has many meanings.

Reason is the potential that distinguishes man from animal and that makes man capable of receiving a wide range of theoretical knowledge. In addition, reason is also knowledge that is digested by a child who has approached adulthood. Intellect can also be understood as the knowledge acquired by a person based on his experience which in turn refines his spirit.