Selasa 28 May 2024 20:40 WIB

Minister Luhut Reveals Efforts to Reduce Corruption and Raise Revenue

GovTech will make government more efficient and transparent.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
Foto: Antara/Rolandus Nampu
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that Indonesia's Government Technology (GovTech) named INA Digital can reduce corruption in Indonesia and raise state revenues.

“There will be less corruption, that's for sure. The OTT (handshake operation) of the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) will definitely decrease,” Luhut said in his instagram account named luhut.pandjaitan, as monitored from Jakarta, Monday (27/5/2024).

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According to Luhut, the decrease in such corruption figures is possible because GovTech will make the government more efficient and transparent. Thus, the goods who intend to commit corruption will find it difficult.

“I hope, with this (GovTech RI) there will be much less amount (of corruption), and that will make Indonesia better,” Luhut said.

He claimed to be ashamed of a number of ministries that committed corruption, until now he is on trial.

A number of corruption cases involving the ministry include the corruption case of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) involving former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo, to a corruption case in the Ministry of Communications and Informatics involving former Minister of Cominfo Johnny G. Plate.

“There are ministries whose corruption reaches the courts. Pretty embarrassing all of that,” Luhut said.

Furthermore, he also highlighted the potential increase in state revenue through GovTech applications. The increase is due to the presence of ease of effort, as well as effectiveness in conducting licensing.

“For example for entertainment permits, no longer peddling from one post to another, directly here (GovTech) only. So that way it will be efficient,” Luhut said.

The facility is believed to be a magnet to attract parties in the entertainment industry to stage events in Indonesia.

“It will bring growing acceptance of the country,” Luhut said.

For now, Luhut said that the private sector has not entered GovTech, because the government is still consolidating applications for the public sector. After consolidation for about a year, only then will the private sector be gradually incorporated, as Singapore has done.

“That's almost how many years Singapore can enter its private sector, once they've really consolidated. Well, we're as big as Indonesia it's not that easy either, it's definitely harder than Singapore,” he said.

President Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) unveiled Indonesia's Government Technology (GovTech) named INA Digital at Istana Negara, Jakarta, Monday (27/5/2024). The launch of INA Digital as an integrated solution provider of various government digital services, including national portals and infrastructure-related services, is considered essential to improve Indonesia's competitiveness globally.

sumber : ANTARA
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