Rabu 29 May 2024 00:02 WIB

Linda Interrogated Five Hours Regarding Vina's Murder

Vina's legal authority confirmed that the photo of Linda on social media was not the real Linda

Rep: Lilis Sri Handayani/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Linda (wearing a mask), who is called possessed by the spirit of Vina.
Foto: Dok Republika
Linda (wearing a mask), who is called possessed by the spirit of Vina.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON -- Police conducted an examination of Vina's friend, Linda. He was given 30 questions by police in the rape and murder case that befell Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon in 2016. The

examination of Linda by the West Java Police Ditreskrimum investigator took place in Mapolresta Cirebon Kota, Monday (27/5/2024) evening. Linda underwent an examination of about five hours. He came to Mapolres Cirebon Kota on Monday (27/5/2024) around 19:00pm and left on Tuesday (28/5/2024) at around 00.15 pm.

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Vina's legal counsel, Princess Maya Rumanti, said that during the examination, Linda was given 30 questions by a team of investigators. “(The question) is about biodata, know where, since when, yes gitu-gitulah, normative is the question,” Putri said.

The daughter said that the examination process against Linda went well. She also confirmed that Linda's figure circulating on social media did not match the real Linda. According to him, Linda did not have a tattoo on her hand.

“(The course of the inspection) is fine, safe-only. There's no problem whatsoever. Most importantly, people always wonder, who the hell is Linda, who has tattoos. It turns out that this Linda does not have a tattoo,” the Princess said, pointing out Linda's untattooed hand.

Earlier, it was circulated on social media that Linda's roommate Vina had a tattoo on her body. However, the Princess confirmed that the photo of Linda circulating on social media was not the real Linda in Vina's case.

“Linda possessed by Vina's spirit is this one,” the Princess said.

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