Kamis 30 May 2024 23:00 WIB

Al Washliyah: All Eyes of the World's Population Are on Palestine

MER-C sees this as an opportunity for the world to soon recognize Palestine as a state.

Rep: Fuji E Permana/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Humanitarian aid for Palestine.
Foto: AP Photo/Jehad Alshrafi
Humanitarian aid for Palestine.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The All Eyes on Rafah movement emerged and went viral, or all eyes on Rafah in Gaza, Palestine.

Responding to this, Al Washliyah General Governor General K.H. Masyhuril Khamis said that “all eyes of the people of the world today show their concern and their partiality for the brothers in Palestine, especially in Rafah, Gaza.

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“It means that the whole world is fed up, hates and condemns Israel and its cronies, but the question remains that Israel is free to kill our brothers there (Palestinians), without fear of the rest of the world,” Kiai Masyhuril told Republika on Thursday (30/5/2024).

Kiai Masyhuril said in fact the diplomatic way is the way negotiations are already being conducted. But the United Nations (UN) does not seem to be daring any more than it currently exists.