Jumat 12 Jul 2024 06:58 WIB

Silaturahim to Muhammadiyah, Grand Sheikh al-Azhar Discusses Religious and Humanitarian Issues

The relationship between Muhammadiyah and Al-Azhar Egypt has a long history.

Grand Sheikh al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb (left) and PP Muhammadiyah General Chairman during a meeting at the PP Muhammadiyah Dakwah Building, Menteng, Jakarta, Thursday (11/7/2024). It appears Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb accepted symbolically the Single Global Hijri calendar of 1446 H.
Foto: dok muhammadiyah
Grand Sheikh al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb (left) and PP Muhammadiyah General Chairman during a meeting at the PP Muhammadiyah Dakwah Building, Menteng, Jakarta, Thursday (11/7/2024). It appears Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb accepted symbolically the Single Global Hijri calendar of 1446 H.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The leadership of the Central (PP) of Muhammadiyah warmly welcomed the visit of Grand Sheikh al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayyeb today, Thursday (11/7/2024), at the Dakwah PP Muhammadiyah Building, Menteng, Jakarta. On this occasion, the cleric from Egypt was welcomed, among others, by the General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir and the General Secretary, Prof Abdul Mu'ti.

The arrival of Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb was one of the series of his visit agenda during his stay in Indonesia since Monday (8/7/2024). The meeting between figures from Cairo's al-Azhar University and elements of the Muhammadiyah PP lasted for two hours until 13.00 pm.

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Upon arriving at the Dakwah Building, Grand Sheikh al-Azhar was presented with a tribute in the form of the Single Global Hijri Calendar (KHGT) 1446 Hijri. Just for information, recently the Muhammadiyah Brotherhood announced the application of KHGT to determine the beginning of the month of Kamariah.

According to Prof. Haedar Nashir, the relationship between Muhammadiyah and al-Azhar has a long history. Many Muslim leaders have studied at the college. Upon returning to their homeland, they also developed and implemented the ideas they acquired from there.

“Kiai Dahlan (the founder of Muhammadiyah) also drew inspiration from Muhammad Abduh who was then none other than the sheikh of al-Azhar. Kiai Mas Mansur, who is a quadriplegic (along with Sukarno, Hatta, and Ki Hadjar Dewantara - Red), and also the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah are graduates of al-Azhar,” Haedar explained, as quoted by Republika from a written statement on Thursday (11/7/2024).

He stated that this meeting took place in a familiar feel. It wants to continue to maintain good relations between the Islamic State and al-Azhar as one of the world's recognized lighthouses of Islamic civilization.

“Even if we had hotels in Yogyakarta, in Malang, and so on, we received (Grand Sheikh al-Azhar) in this building to (show) that the relationship between us and al-Azhar is also familial, not very formalistic,” Haedar said.


This two-hour meeting went smoothly. There are several things discussed by the ranks of PP Muhammadiyah and Grand Sheikh al-Azhar.

Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb emphasized, among other things, the importance of the principle of moderation (wasathiyah) or moderation in religion. According to him, it can be the key to maintaining the harmony of relations between religions.

“For Islam, the principle of religion refers to the Quran and the Sunnah, and one should not deny Sunnah. Many substantial things from the Quran require an explanation from the as-Sunnah,” Haedar quoted Sheikh Ahmed as saying.

According to the Ketum PP Muhammadiyah, Grand Sheikh al-Azhar also highlighted the importance of the profound and complex science of Islamic dirasah. He mentioned that Muslims have a very solid and tested scientific apparatus in history, including the science of hadith.

“In order to reach the truth of one hadith alone, the sanad research and the history are very detailed. There is no sub-science so complex than the science of hadith,” he added.

Therefore, this figure of al-Azhar called on Muslims, including those from Indonesia, to continue to love the religious sciences and the values of the orientation of progress. Only in this way can the people of the Messenger of Allah answer every challenge of the times.

During the meeting, the two sides also discussed various improvements in cooperation between Muhammadiyah and al-Azhar. This includes not only moderation, but also efforts to bring about the advancement of Muslims.

Haedar Nashir said that Muhammadiyah and al-Azhar agreed that religious moderation alone is not enough. It is still necessary to respect religious values that have an impact on the progress of civilization. 

“That is what we mean from the Qur'an surah al-Baqarah (verse) 143, the middle people who bear witness. That is, to be a witness in the contribution of the progress of civilization. Where Muslims exist, they become problem solvers,” Haedar said.

In an effort to support the advancement of education, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb added the offer of scholarships for Muhammadiyah. Every year Al-Azhar continues to increase scholarship for Indonesians, including for Muhammadiyah cadres.

This shows a high commitment to the development of strong scholars in Islamic dirasah science. With this, his hope was born of a generation that would be wise, deftly answering the challenges of the times, and becoming an enlightener for society.

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