Kamis 08 Aug 2024 08:00 WIB

BSI Supports Government to Eradicate Online Gambling, Sharia Compliance as the Basis

Eradication of online gambling in line with Sharia compliance.

Sharia Bank Indonesia.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Sharia Bank Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) supports the government to eradicate online gambling through the implementation of various risk mitigation strategies. Corporate Secretary of BSI Vishnu Sunandar explained that support to the government in eradicating online gambling is in line with Sharia compliance.

It is clear in the financial principles of sharia gambling activities are prohibited. This observance is based on the principle of maqashid sharia, which is to safeguard religion, soul, reason, heredity, and property. So it can provide sustainable benefits for all parties involved.

Baca Juga

BSI has also implemented risk mitigation of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPA) Gambling based on the five key pillars of Anti-Money Laundering (APU), Prevention of Terrorism Funding (PPT), and Prevention of Funding Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (PPPSPM). BSI also actively conducts oversight through the Risk Monitoring Committee forum to ensure the implementation of APU, PPT, and PPSPM programs goes well.

According to Vishnu, in the aspect of internal control, BSI also conducts monitoring and analysis of accounts indicated by TPA Gambling and reports them to PPATK. BSI also coordinates with the parent Bank Mandiri regarding the forwarding of online gambling-related party data information from OJK for data storage at BSI.

In addition, BSI actively conducts searches of sites or websites indicated using BSI accounts for landfill Gambling. These searches are part of our efforts to ensure that BSI accounts are not misused for illegal activities.

In terms of mitigating IT security, Vishnu continued, BSI conducts web crawling and cyber patrols on sites that use BSI accounts. In addition, the company coordinates with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) and web hosting for the closure of sites that are indicated to be used as gambling offences.

BSI also implements a variety of Landfill Gambling precautions. These include monitoring media reports, delaying transactions and blocking customer accounts indicated for online gambling, as well as socializing awareness for employees related to landfill Gambling.

Vishnu emphasized that BSI pays special attention to human resources (HR) training to become more capable in anticipating and addressing online gambling problems utilizing financial services systems.

“We have conducted suspicious financial transaction analysis training for all AML employees collaborating with PPATK,” he said.

With various risk mitigation strategies implemented, Vishnu said, his side hopes to actively contribute to suppressing and eradicating online gambling cases that harm the public in the country. It is also in line with the spirit of BSI to constantly present the benefits of goodness to the people in line with the principles of maqashid sharia.

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