Rabu 14 Aug 2024 05:37 WIB

Ministry of Religious Affairs Encourages Foreign Language Proficient Madrasah Students

Madrasah students must be familiar with using foreign languages.

Illustration of madrasah students studying.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Illustration of madrasah students studying.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kanwil Kemenag) of the Province of North Sumatra (Sumut) continues to strengthen the ability of madrasah students to use foreign languages in schools.

“There is a familiarization of foreign languages, both Arabic and English, then the tahfiz of the Quran and so on,” said Sumut Provincial Government Secretary Ahmad Qosbi, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Medan on Tuesday.

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Because, he said, by getting used to using foreign languages, it is expected to increase the competitiveness of madrasah students, especially Madrasah Aliyah when they become alumni in the field of work.

The importance of science, both science and general knowledge combined with religious understanding in order for madrasah students to attain the intellect and personality of karimah.

Sumut Provincial Government Kanwil data mentions the number of Raudhatul Athfal/RA institutions (kindergartens) to madrasahs in North Sumatra as of January 1, 2024, as 4,844 units with a total number of 635,495 students.

It consists of private RA 1,968 units with 86,302 students, National/Private Madrasah 1,067 units with 204,629 students, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 1,192 units with 230,428 students, and Madrasah Aliyah 617 units with 114,136 students.

“Students must succeed in science and general science, then students must also have a high moral ethic, and a high understanding of religion,” he said.

Thus, the competencies of students and schoolgirls in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia are better prepared to live the next life.

“In the presence of stakeholders from various sectors, we expect his opinion as the improvement and progress of educational institutions in the Ministry of Religious Affairs,” Ahmad said.

Chairman of the Public Relations, Data and Information Team Kanwil Kemenag Sumut Mulia Banurea revealed the purpose of holding the stakeholder meeting.

It details the interests and promoters of education in North Sumatra for even more innovative educational services.

“The participants' solutions will be presented to the policy stakeholders in the Ministry of Regional Affairs of North Sumatra. We are committed to making madrasah students the best place to continue their education,” Mulia said.

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