Sabtu 31 Aug 2024 04:10 WIB

Pesantren Increased by 11 Thousand Since Pesantren Law Was Passed

Pesantren has great potential for pioneering and developing halal industry.

Santi learning atmosphere at At-Taqwa Pesantren Depok, Thursday (30/5/2024).
Foto: Republika/Bayu Adji P
Santi learning atmosphere at At-Taqwa Pesantren Depok, Thursday (30/5/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) said that the number of boarding schools in Indonesia has increased by about 11,000 since Law (Law) Number 18 of 2019 on Pesantren was passed.

“There is an increase of approximately 11,000 increase in the number of boarding schools from 2019 to now,” said Director of Education of Diniyah and Pondok Pesantren Kemenag, Basnang Said during the Meeting With Opinions (RDP) of the VIII DPR Commission in the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, on Thursday.

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According to Basnang, the existence of the Pesantren Act successfully motivated the community to establish a boarding school.

“As of today, the number of boarding schools registered in the Ministry of Religious Affairs is 41,220. A tremendous leap because in the beginning the Pesantren Act was passed, the number of boarding schools was only about 29 thousand, but as soon as the Pesantren Law was passed, the interest of the public to establish a boarding school was extraordinary,” he said.

Related to that, Basnang also expressed appreciation to the VIII Commission of the Parliament which initiated the existence of the Pesantren Law in 2019.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we express our infinite gratitude to Commission VIII of the Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia which has truly made history and an important record for the boarding school journey since 2019 was initiated by Commission VIII, giving something monumental with the passage of the Law which was later called Law No. 18 of 2019,” he explained.

It is known that the existence of the Pesantren Law presents a number of facilities in the establishment of boarding schools. Among these, Article 6 of the Pesantren Law mentions that boarding schools are established by individuals, foundations, Islamic community organizations, and/or societies.

Then, it is also regulated in Article 7 of the Pesantren Law regarding the obligations of the founders of the boarding school. The obligation includes the founder of the boarding school being obliged to commit to the values of “Islam rahmati lil'alamin” and based on Pancasila, the Statute Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI) of 1945, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Secondly, the founder of the boarding school must also fulfill the existence of elements of the boarding school, namely kiai, santri residing in boarding schools, lodges or dormitories, mosques or musala, and the study of Kitab Kuning or Dirasah Islamiah with the “Muallimin” educational model, that is, education is integrative by combining Islamic religious science and general science and is comprehensive by combining intra, extra, and co-curricular.

Furthermore, the founder of the boarding school is also obliged to inform the village head of the village or other designation according to the boarding school domicile and register the presence of the boarding school to the Minister of Religious Affairs.

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