Jumat 13 Sep 2024 06:16 WIB

Republika Contributes to Climate Crisis Through ESG Summit 2024

The challenge of the climate crisis is becoming a reality for all business players in the world.

Rep: Eva Rianti / Red: Budi Raharjo
The electronic board displays the ESG Summit 2024 event held by Republika, at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Building, Jakarta, Thursday (12/9/2024).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
The electronic board displays the ESG Summit 2024 event held by Republika, at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Building, Jakarta, Thursday (12/9/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Republika held the ESG Summit titled “ESG Ala Indonesia” at the Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Jakarta, Thursday (12/9/2024). The discussion, which consisted of three sessions and was attended by speakers from various circles, became the Republic's attempt to continue to promote the implementation of ESG in Indonesia in order to maintain the sustainability of the earth.

Director of Republika Nur Hasan Murtiaji said that the ESG principle is an important point in business and industrial operations today. The challenge of the climate crisis is becoming a real fact for all businesses in the world to do business sustainably.

This principle, which has been echoed globally, has also been adapted by Indonesia. Various parties participated in contributing to the realization of the concept. “Republika takes a role in carrying out media functions in monitoring and directing ESG issues. Not only being a medium for disseminating information, Republika takes a role in creating ESG discussion forums and workshops,” Nur Hasan said during a speech at ESG Summit 2024.

Hasan explained that there are several main points discussed in the ESG Summit agenda, from the urgency of ESG socialization to its implementation according to the reality conditions in Indonesia.

“There are three important points in this ESG Summit, namely the importance of ESG education and socialization, formulation of policy foundations, and formulation of incentives and funding support for ESG implementation that correspond to the realities of the field in Indonesia,” he explained.

ESG Summit 2024 is one of the series of “Sehati for the Earth” activities held this year. Previously, Republika has held a focus group discussion (FGD) and a carbon accounting workshop. In addition, Republika organizes a fun bike in Yogyakarta accompanied by tree planting activities. Later, Republika carried out forest clean-up activities in West Java.

“Republika hopes that this event can be a comprehensive discussion, giving birth to new ideas and ideas, so that the implementation of ESG in Indonesia in the future can be better,” Nur Hasan said.

Nur Hasan hopes that this agenda can bring broad benefits to the public in understanding the issue of ESG. For information, Republika has a special channel on the website Republika.co, id, namely ESG Now that can be accessed by the public in obtaining information about ESG.


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