Rabu 18 Sep 2024 15:41 WIB

Republika Holds ESG Award, Encouraging Sustainable Business Practices

This award is to encourage more innovation and sustainable efforts.

Rep: Lintar Satria / Red: Budi Raharjo
ESG Award Republika 2024.
Foto: Republika
ESG Award Republika 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Amid growing global awareness of the importance of sustainability in addressing climate change, Republika is also encouraging the implementation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles among business people. Through the ESG Anugerah event, Republika gives appreciation to companies that successfully implement sustainable and responsible business practices in Indonesia.

Anugerah ESG Republika event will be held at The Westin Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (9/19/2024). The organization of the ESG Republika Award is the culmination of the campaign “Sehati untuk Bumi.” The campaign aims to raise public awareness that safeguarding the earth and applying ESG principles is urgent.

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ESG, which covers three key aspects, environmental, social, and corporate governance, has become the global standard for conducting business responsibly. With the organization of the ESG Anugerah, Republika wants to spur more companies to incorporate ESG principles into their business strategies.

Director of Republika Nur Hasan Murtiaji explained that Anugerah ESG Republika not only aims to recognize the success of companies that have implemented ESG principles, but also to encourage more innovation and sustainable efforts in the future.