Kamis 26 Sep 2024 02:28 WIB

Indonesia Pushes Blue Economy in South China Sea to Prevent War

The South China Sea accounts for 12 percent of the world's total fish catch.

Red: Budi Raharjo
A Chinese coast guard ship deploys water cannon to a Philippine ship in the South China Sea.
Foto: VOA
A Chinese coast guard ship deploys water cannon to a Philippine ship in the South China Sea.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Foreign Minister of Indonesia Pahala Mansury invites other countries to develop a blue economy in the South China Sea. According to him, this could prevent the region from becoming a theater of war for superpowers.

“ASEAN has reaffirmed its commitment to regional cooperation in the development of the blue economy,” Pahala said at the Jakarta Geopolitical Forum 2024, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/9/2024).

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Blue economic development in the South China Sea region, Pahala said, could be expanded by involving related countries such as China. According to him, the cooperation of blue economy development in the South China Sea region can help support the resilience of the supply chain and the growth of the industry.

There are three principles adopted in the ASEAN Blue Economic Development Framework: value-added, inclusive, and sustainability.