Senin 28 Oct 2024 15:01 WIB

Russia Fully Supports Indonesia to Join BRICS

For Russia, Indonesia is a good enough candidate to join BRICS.

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov
Foto: Republika
Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Russia directly supports Indonesia to join the BRICS association. However, the decision whether or not Indonesia joins the BRICS depends on the other member states.

“Once again, BRICS is a multilateral association, we need a common consensus,” Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov said during an official statement at the Russian Embassy on Monday (28/10/2024).

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The ambassador stated that talks about the possibility of Indonesia joining the BRICS have been long. For Russia, Indonesia is a pretty good candidate. Indonesia, he said, is a solid and big country. “We believe that Indonesia can build relations with the BRICS,” he said.

The ambassador did not deny that there was an acceleration in the change in Indonesian government policy. As of last year, Indonesia has not submitted a proposal to join the BRICS.

According to the ambassador, the presence of Indonesian representatives at the BRICS summit in Kazan is in accordance with Prabowo's promise to Putin at the July meeting. At that time, Prabowo said he would send a delegation to the BRICS summit meeting.

“(Foreign Minister) Sugiyono came in Kazan, it is an important symbol because this is the first visit of the Foreign Minister elect since taking office,” he said.

When asked when Indonesia will become a full member? The ambassador once again stressed that there was no such target or time period. But for sure Indonesia has formally submitted a letter of wish to become a member as one of the important conditions for membership.

When asked by the Republic, is there any country in the BRICS that refuses Indonesia's wish to join the association? The ambassador could not answer. “I don't know.”

The ambassador expressed a number of advantages for Indonesia if it joined the BRICS. Such gains such as increased economic and trade cooperation among fellow BRICS members. “Indonesia can take advantage of the potential development plan and cooperation among the BRICS countries,” he said.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, abbreviated BRICS. The group was founded about a decade ago. With the passage of time BRICS membership expanded and now consists of 10 members. Among them are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

Foreign Minister RI Sugiono stated that the desire to join is a form of national foreign political representation based on active free values.

“(RI joining BRICS) does not mean that we belong to any particular camp, but rather that we actively participate in all forums,” Sugiono stressed, as stated by the Indonesian Cabinet received in Jakarta on Friday.

He said the desire shows that Indonesia sees the BRICS as an appropriate vehicle for discussing and advancing the common interests of the Global South. This statement simultaneously dispelled rumors that Indonesia had turned away from the West and turned to Russia.

To that end, Sugiono proposed three concrete steps to strengthen BRICS cooperation with the countries of the Global South. First, uphold the right to sustainable development so that developed countries must meet their commitments to the state.

Furthermore, it supports the reform of the multilateral system so that it is more inclusive, representative and in line with current realities. International institutions must also be strengthened with adequate resources.

Indonesia also encourages the BRICS to be a glue to strengthen solidarity between developing countries, Sugiono said.

In addition, Indonesia's accession to the BRICS is in line with the work program of President Prabowo Subianto's Red and White Cabinet, he said. “Among other things, related to food and energy security, poverty eradication, or the promotion of human resources,” Sugiono said.

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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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