Selasa 29 Oct 2024 00:39 WIB

President Prabowo Orders Ministers And Officials to Use Maung Cars As Service Vehicles

President prohibits officials and ministers from using imported cars as service vehicles.

Maung MV3 Pope Mobile produced by PT Pindad. President Prabowo ordered all officials to use PT Pindad's Maung car as a service vehicle.
Maung MV3 Pope Mobile produced by PT Pindad. President Prabowo ordered all officials to use PT Pindad's Maung car as a service vehicle.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Deputy Finance Minister Anggito Abimanyu said President Prabowo Subianto will facilitate ministers to all officials of the 1st echelon of the current government era with a Maung car made by PT Pindad (Persero) as a service vehicle. President Prabowo wants the use of imported cars as service vehicles to be dispensed with in the era of his rule.

“Next week I will use the Maung that car, the Pindad car,” Anggito said in the event of the 15th Birthday Dies and Lustrum III Vocational School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) at UGM, Sleman, Special Region Yogyakarta (DIY), Monday (28/10/2024).

“Mr. Prabowo has said that next week there will be no more imported goods for the 1st echelon cars as well as the minister, extraordinary,” Anggito added.

Anggito said Maung's car was designed by Professor Sigit Puji Santosa of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) who is also Director of PT Pindad with 70 percent using domestic components. “If you want to see Maung, yesterday Professor Sigit from ITB, President Director of Pindad, said that he designed Indonesian cars, 70 percent of them are domestic products,” he said.

Maung is a 4x4 light tactical vehicle produced by PT Pindad intended to support close combat operations and difficult terrain cruising. Based on the official Pindad website, Maung is designed to have agile and reliable maneuverability to support the mobility of its users in various fields of operation.

This tough SUV has a safe speed of 120 km/h, a 6-speed manual transmission and is capable of covering a mileage of up to 800 km. The Maung can be equipped with a 7.62 mm gun bracket, SS2 V4 weapon console, GPS navigation device and vehicle tracker as well as other gear.

The four-passenger car has a weight of 2,160 Kg which can be modified for various purposes. The Maung that President Prabowo specifically wears has been modified in European style with chrome alloy wheels. On the back, there is a “GARUDA” logo.

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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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