Kamis 31 Oct 2024 17:13 WIB

Minister of Tourism Reveals Erick Thohir's Great Contribution to Tourism in RI

Widi said that the strategic role of BUMN helps the Ministry of Tourism in the tourism sector.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Budi Raharjo
SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Tourism Minister Widiyanti Putri Wardhana after holding a meeting at the office of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2024).
Foto: Kementerian BUMN
SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Tourism Minister Widiyanti Putri Wardhana after holding a meeting at the office of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2024).

REPUBLIKA.COID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Tourism (Menpar) Widiyanti Putri Wardhana appreciated the support of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to boost Indonesia's tourism growth. Widi is also grateful to be able to meet and discuss directly with SOE Minister Erick Thohir regarding the development of the tourism sector in the future.

“Thank you, we are here to fulfill the invitation of the Minister of BUMN and we discuss many things about the collaboration that has been done from the previous ministries and what we can do in the next five years,” Widi said after visiting the office of Minister of State for SOE Erick Thohir at the office of the Ministry of BUMN, Central Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2024).

Widi mentioned the strategic role of SOEs in assisting the Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) in the tourism sector. Widi said that the Ministry of state-owned enterprises under the leadership of Erick Thohir has made major changes in supporting the growth of the tourism sector, from improving the quality of super priority tourism destinations (DPSP) such as KEK Mandalika, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, to the transformation of Borobudur Temple.

“We will improve this collaboration again for other tourist areas of course. Later, our team will continue to work together to discuss other technical matters,” Widi said.

With such a large SOE contribution, according to Widi, it will spur the Ministry of Justice to move faster in synergizing policies to boost Indonesia's tourism growth. Widi said that Kemenpar has a big target of reaching 14 million foreign tourists (wisman) by 2024, which has just reached 9.09 million guysman.

Even so, the notch was up 20.38 percent in the January-August 2024 period. “We have a target for the next five years. Of course we will promote more to high quality tourists, encourage more overseas promotion,” Widi said.

He said inter-ministerial collaboration was crucial. Widi said that the tourism issue requires cooperation of many parties to find solutions to increase the growth of the number of visits to improve the quality of services in the Indonesian tourism sector.

“Regarding accessibility, transportation, affordable ticket prices, we must immediately tackle together with ministries and other agencies so that Wismans and Wisnus can travel in Indonesia cheaper,” Widi said.

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