Jumat 01 Nov 2024 01:12 WIB

Police Closed All Outlets of 23 Liquor Sellers in Bantul

Officers also placed a Warrant for the Cessation of Business Activities.

Rep: silvi dian setiawan/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Illustration of liquor (miras).
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Illustration of liquor (miras).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANTUL — Bantul Police Station closed all Outlet 23 in Bantul Regency that sells liquor (miras) by installing police lines. The closure was carried out because the outlet did not have an inherited sales permit.

“The 23 outlets that we put police lines on are in five locations. Each in the areas of Kasihan, Sewon, Banguntapan, Bantul, and Kretek,” said Kasi Public Relations of Bantul Police, AKP I Nengah Jeffry Prana Widnyana, Thursday (31/10/2024).

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The officer also executed a Warrant for Termination of Business Activities of Outlet 23 with Number: 5/X/2024 dated October 31, 2024. The letter was signed by Kasatpol PP of Bantul Regency R. Jati Bayubroto.

Jeffry said it was also conducting investigations and gathering evidence to ensnare the illegal property sellers. “During this time, those outlets did not have a license to sell alcoholic beverages, only took refuge with a business license,” he said.

With the closure of all of Outlet 23, it is expected to minimize the circulation of miras in Bantul Regency. Moreover, the Governor of DIY has also issued Governor's Instruction (Ingub) Number 5 of 2024 on October 30, which regulates the optimization of control and supervision of alcoholic beverages.

“With the closure of liquor outlets by officers, it is expected to provide a deterrent effect for liquor sellers,” Jeffry explained.

Jeffry confirmed that Bantul Police Station will continue to increase the miras raids in Bantul Regency. This is in anticipation of the disruption of kamtibmas and criminality that can be caused by miras influence.

“The targets of the raids were cafes and also stalls that were allegedly selling miras illegally,” he said.

Jeffry said that fighting illegal traffic is not just the job of the police. For this reason, he invited people to participate in the eradication of inheritance, by reporting to the police if it is found that someone is selling heritage in their respective neighborhoods.

“Report to the police, if anyone sells property in his area, we will definitely follow up,” Jeffry said.



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