Ahad 03 Nov 2024 08:10 WIB

PBNU to Hold International Conference on Islamic Humanitarian, Opened by President Prabowo

Humanitarian Islam is a continuation and reinforcement of the concept of Khittah NU1926.

The Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) confirmed that Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto will open the International Conference on Humanitarian Islam (Muktamar al-Dawli al-Islam Lil Insaniyah) on Tuesday (5/11/2024) in the morning at the Campus of the University of Indonesia (UI) Depok, West Java.
Foto: PBNU
The Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) confirmed that Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto will open the International Conference on Humanitarian Islam (Muktamar al-Dawli al-Islam Lil Insaniyah) on Tuesday (5/11/2024) in the morning at the Campus of the University of Indonesia (UI) Depok, West Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU)) ensure that the President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto will open the title of the International Conference on Humanitarian Islam or Muktamar al-Dawli al-Islam Lil Insaniyah) on Tuesday (5/11/2024) morning at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Campus Depok, West Java. After the opening at UI, the conference activities will be held at Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta on November 5-6, 2024.

The chairman of PBNU, KH Ulil Abshar Abdalla said that the Islamic Humanitarian movement or Islām lil Insāniyah itself has been set up since 10 years ago by elements of Nahdlatul Ulama in the context of the development of NU thought and movement.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Islamic Humanitarian Conference, Ahmad Ginanjar Sha'ban explained that the Islamic Humanitarian conference will be attended by a number of international scholars, scholars and academics from the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Africa and Southeast Asia as well as Indonesia.

“The conference will be attended by about 20 professors and academics abroad as well as kiai and 20 reviewers from domestic academics,” Ginanjar explained in a press release.

Some of these are Professor Robert W Hefner of Boston University AS, Professor Greg Barton of Deakin University Australia, KH Afifuddin Muhajir of Pesantren Salafiyah Syafiiyah Sukoreo Situbono East Java, KH Abdul Ghofur Maimoen of Pesantren Al Anwar Rembang Central Java, KH Yahya Cholil Stauf Chairman General of PBNU, Professor Rüdiger Lohlker of the University of Vienna Austria, Professor James B Hoesterey of Emory University US, Professor Amanta tho Seeth of Humboldt University of Berlin Germany, Professor Nelly van Doorn-Harder of Wake Forest University AS, Professor Ismail Fajrie Alatas from New York University, Professor Timothy Shah from CSCV, Prof. Al-Makin from UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Professor Ahmad Syafiq from the University of Indonesia, and so on.

“The conference event continued with a series of excursions to several historical sites in Indonesia, especially in Central Java and Yogyakarta on November 7-10, 2024,” Ginanjar said.

Participants of the international conference, he added, will also visit KH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus) at Pondok Pesantren Raudlatut Thalibin Rembang, Menara Kudus Mosque and Sam Poo Kong Monastery before continuing their series of trips to Yogyakarta.

“The visit of international participants to Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple on November 9, 2024 will be the closing series in the International Humanitarian Islamic Conference organized by PBNU, CSCV, and UI,” Ginanjar said.

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