Senin 11 Nov 2024 02:24 WIB

Title Action in Front of U.S. Embassy, Mass Demands Cessation of Genocide in Palestine

US held responsible for genocide committed by Israel in Palestine.

Rep: Bayu Adji Prihammanda/ Red: Budi Raharjo
A number of people take part in the Palestinian military action in front of the U.S. Embassy Office, Jakarta, Sunday (10/11/2024).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
A number of people take part in the Palestinian military action in front of the U.S. Embassy Office, Jakarta, Sunday (10/11/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A number of masses belonging to the community organizations (ormas) of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) and the Islamic Ormas Assembly (MOI) held a peaceful rally in front of the Embassy (Embassy) of the United States (USA), Central Jakarta, Sunday (10/11/2024) morning. The action was denounced by the United States, which still supports the genocide perpetrated in Palestine.

Action coordinator, Buya Husein, condemned U.S. actions judged to support violence against Palestinians. Therefore, the mass of action called on the Indonesian Government to strongly condemn US support to Israel.

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“We demand to the Indonesian Government unequivocally, because the United States clearly supports Israel, the occupying state. We know the US clearly supports and is complicit in genocide,” he said Sunday (10/11/2024).

In the action, the mob also carried banners and posters calling for an end to violence in Palestine. Massa also requested that the U.S. cease its support for Israel.

The FPI secretary reiterated that they would stand with the Palestinians who are fighting to defend their right to their homeland. According to him, the FPI has consistently voiced support for Palestine in international forums and denounced all forms of violence that violate human rights.

“In accordance with the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia has never accepted colonization on any earth, because colonization is incompatible with humanity and justice,” he said.

He also hopes that peaceful action can be a form of real solidarity for Palestinians. Moreover, the government can really be assertive to voice its rejection of any form of colonization.

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