Senin 11 Nov 2024 11:20 WIB

Mount Semeru Erupts Again with 1 Kilometer High Eruption

Mount Semeru erupts with an eruption column height of approximately 1,000 meters.

Illustration of Mount Semeru.
Foto: AP/Dicky Bisinglasi
Illustration of Mount Semeru.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LUMAJANG -- Mount Semeru, located on the border of Lumajang and Malang Regency, East Java, erupted again with an eruption 1 kilometer high above the Mahameru peak on Monday morning.

“There was an eruption of Mount Semeru on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 3:35pm. The height of the eruption column was observed to be about 1,000 meters above the summit or 4,676 meters above sea level,” Mount Semeru Observation Post Officer Ghufron Alwi said in a written statement received in Lumajang.

Baca Juga

According to him, the observed ash column is white to gray in color with a thick intensity towards the west. The eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 22 mm and a duration of 122 seconds.

Earlier at 01:47pm, the mountain, which has a height of 3,676 square meters, also erupted with the height of the eruption column observed approximately 1,000 meters above the summit.

The observed ash column is white to gray with thick intensity towards the south and southwest. The eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 22 mm and a duration of 146 seconds.

The number of Mount Semeru eruptions based on the officer's record was 1,738 times from January 1 to November 11, 2024 at 04:00pm.

The highest mountain activity on Java Island was dominated by eruptive earthquakes and based on observations of the earthquake on Sunday (10/11) there were 93 eruptive earthquakes with an amplitude of 11-23 mm with an earthquake duration of 64-153 seconds.

Mount Semeru briefly launched a hot cloud on Sunday (10/11) afternoon at 14:40 WIB with a maximum amplitude of 22 mm for 478 seconds followed by a flood vibration.

He explained that Mount Semeru is still in a state of alert, so the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) gave a number of recommendations, namely that people should not carry out any activity in the southeastern sector along Besuk Kobokan for eight kilometers from the summit (eruption center).

Outside this distance, people should not engage in activities at a distance of 500 meters from the river bank (river border) along Besuk Kobokan because of the potential for expanding hot clouds and lava flows up to 13 kilometers from the summit.

“People should also not be allowed to operate within a three-kilometer radius of the crater/summit of Mount Semeru, because it is prone to the danger of rockfall (incandescent),” he said.

In addition, the public also needs to be aware of the potential for hot clouds, lava falls, and rain lava along river/valley streams upstream of Mount Semeru, especially along Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, and Besuk Sat, as well as the potential for lava on small rivers that are tributaries of Besuk Kobokan.

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