Kamis 12 Dec 2024 11:07 WIB

Erick: The Best Minds of the Country Build an Inclusive Indonesia Future

The best minds of the country can continue to innovate to provide sustainable solutions.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Budi Raharjo
BUMN Minister Erick Thohir attended the Final Showcase of the Best Negeri Thought Showcase held by the BUMN Foundation at Avenue on 5, Tendean, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/12/2024).
Foto: Muhammad Nursyamsi/Republika
BUMN Minister Erick Thohir attended the Final Showcase of the Best Negeri Thought Showcase held by the BUMN Foundation at Avenue on 5, Tendean, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/12/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The BUMN Foundation successfully held the Final Showcase of the Best Negeri Mind Program, an innovation festival that brings together and appreciates the outstanding impact of brilliant ideas coming from different parts of Indonesia. SOE Minister Erick Thohir hopes that the impact of the 20 Best Minded Social Entrepreneurs in the country can continue to innovate to provide sustainable solutions in the health and environment sectors while being an inspiration to build a better future for Indonesia.

“Country's Best Minds is proof that cross-sector collaboration is capable of giving birth to real solutions to the nation's challenges. With the spirit of innovation and sustainability, we together build a more inclusive and competitive Indonesia's future,” Erick said while attending the Final Showcase of the Best Negeri Mind held by the BUMN Foundation at Avenue on 5, Tendean, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/12/2024).

Baca Juga

The event was supported by the Ministry of state-owned enterprises and attended by stakeholders, such as sponsors, strategic partners, outreach partners, media partners, venture capital (VC), social entrepreneurs, expert panels, representatives of ambassadors, NGOs, as well as public guests. This demonstrates strong support for social innovations that have a real impact for communities in the Country's Best Minds program.

Chairman of Syafuan BUMN Foundation said the final showcase was the final stage of the Best Minds Negeri program. The BUMN Foundation will publish an Impact Report to show the real impact of the implementation of the Program from each Social Entrepreneur.

“The beneficiaries of the State's Best Mind Program are 28,268 people from different groups of society, including farmers, teachers, children, fishermen, housewives, students, garbage collectors, health workers, and factory workers,” Syafuan said.

Syafuan said this data reflects the success of the program in reaching out and making positive contributions to different walks of life. Syafuan said the Country's Best Minds has proven big ideas can be turned into real action that has an impact.

“This is not the end, but the beginning of a long journey towards a better future for Indonesia,” Syafuan added.

Aligning with the focus of the BUMN Foundation on health and the environment, speakers also provided in-depth insight into strategic sectors, such as Yuli Sri Wilanti (National Project Director of FOLUR, Jusrian Saubara Orpayanda CEO of Arconesia), Agus Dwi Handaya (General Chairman of Human Capital Forum Indonesia), and Audrey Maximillian Herli (Co-founder of Riliv) in a panel discussion focused on food supply chain systems and mental health.

Syafuan said one of the highlights of the event was the signing of a memorandum of understanding or MoU between PT Perkekan Nusantara PTPN with three social entrepreneurs Pikkan Terbaik Negeri, namely PTPN I with Kulaku, PT RPN with Bell Living Lab, and PTPN IV with Arconesia. This MoU includes cooperation to develop sustainable business models in the food and agriculture sectors.

With the end of the Final Showcase, Syafuan said, the Country's Best Mind Program proves that the best ideas can become real solutions for society and the environment. Syafuan said that this program not only creates an immediate impact but also inspires various parties to continue innovating for a more sustainable future of Indonesia.

“Let's continue to build soul, body, and nature for Indonesia,” Syafuan said.


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