Senin 23 Dec 2024 18:13 WIB

BSI Predicts National Sharia Finance Will Break IDR 3.430 Trillion by 2025

BSI has consistently performed more functions than just a sharia bank.

Rep: Eva Rianti/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Chief of Economist BSI Banjaran Surya Indrastomo during Sharia Economic Outlook 2025 event at BSI The Tower Building, Monday (23/12/2024).
Foto: Eva Rianti/Republika
Chief of Economist BSI Banjaran Surya Indrastomo during Sharia Economic Outlook 2025 event at BSI The Tower Building, Monday (23/12/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) predicts Islamic banking will grow positively in 2025. This is supported by the prospect of growth in the distribution of financing and the accumulation of third-party funds (DPK) to double digits. It is estimated that next year, the national sharia financial sector will grow to IDR 3,430.9 trillion.

Chief Economist of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) Banjaran Surya Indrastomo said that sufficient economic development throughout 2024 could be the basis for maintaining the positive growth of the national economy in 2025.

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Although the world economy is still faced with the threat of economic turbulence and geopolitical uncertainty, he believes that the national economy, including the sharia economy in the country, has strong potential to continue the growth trend.

“By 2025, the national sharia financial sector is expected to grow to the range of IDR 3,157.9 trillion - IDR 3,430.9 trillion from the asset side,” Banjaran said at the Sharia Economic Outlook 2025 event at BSI The Tower Building on Monday (23/12/2024).

For the record, the realization of sharia financial assets in September 2024 was at the level of IDR 2.744 trillion, or up 11.9 percent year-on-year/yoy.

Banjaran believes that the sharia financial sector is also expected to continue positive growth, amid the challenges of the domestic economy in 2025, with the sharia banking sector being the main driver.

Amid this positive outlook, Banjaran said, BSI as Indonesia's largest sharia bank has strong potential to become a major actor driving the movement of the sharia finance industry and the national halal economy by 2025. Because, he said, since its birth, BSI has consistently performed the functions of more than just a sharia bank with its intermediary function, but rather beyond banking.

“During this time, BSI has played an active role in connecting and moving the national halal economic ecosystem. By strengthening its role, as well as innovations that continue to be developed, BSI can further strengthen its role in moving the financial sector and the national economy. This role is increasingly important as that (global) economic turbulence still looms,” he said.

On the same occasion, BSI Director of Treasury & International Banking Ari Rizaldi said, 2025 will be the momentum for BSI to continue growing. This is not separate from the uniqueness factor that Indonesia's largest sharia bank has.

“One of BSI's greatest opportunities is in the halal business, this which needs to be enhanced and deepened as a form of BSI's active and positive role for economic growth domestically and even globally,” he said.

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