Ahad 29 Dec 2024 13:17 WIB

Welcome 2025, Religious Affairs Minister Invites to Build Harmony Amid Diversity

He recalled the importance of maintaining harmony amid Indonesia's diversity.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Religious Affairs Minister Nasaruddin Umar (left) delivers remarks during a security review at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/12/2024). The direct review is to ensure that the Christmas celebrations run smoothly, safely and peacefully.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Ramdan
Religious Affairs Minister Nasaruddin Umar (left) delivers remarks during a security review at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/12/2024). The direct review is to ensure that the Christmas celebrations run smoothly, safely and peacefully.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Religious Affairs Minister Prof. KH Nasaruddin Umar invites the entire ranks of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) to welcome 2025 with a new spirit and energy to build harmony. This message was delivered in the event “Reflections and Projections of the Ministry” which took place at TMII, East Jakarta, Friday (27/12/2024).

“Let's start this new year with optimism and a spirit of renewal. God willing, we can achieve the targets that have been set,” Nasaruddin said in a press release on Saturday (28/12/2024).

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He recalled the importance of maintaining harmony amid Indonesia's diversity, which he described as a work of art created by God. “Indonesia is a beautiful painting of God. Concord is a valuable asset that must be safeguarded, more valuable than any other natural resource,” he said.

In addition, Nasaruddin stressed the need to establish morality and spirituality as the foundation of the life of the nation. According to him, development without the foundation of moral and spiritual values will not have sustainability.

“The monumental buildings of the world, such as the Pyramids in Egypt, the Kaaba in Makkah, and Borobudur in Indonesia, stand firm because they are built on the foundations of spirituality. Let us make divine values the basis of all our actions,” he said.

The reflection event was also attended by Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ali Ramdhani, Heads of Balitbang and Diklat Amien Suyitno, officials of the I and II echelons, special staff, expert staff, and expert personnel of the Minister of Religious Affairs. In addition, invited guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, and PTN/PTKN were also present.



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