Kamis 09 May 2013 20:51 WIB

Indonesia and Australia share a common love in batik

Australian Batik specialist Tony Dyer (right) has been creating Batik since 1970.
Foto: Embassy of Australia
Australian Batik specialist Tony Dyer (right) has been creating Batik since 1970.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Recently three respected figures from Australia's textile and craft world were in Semarang to attend the inaugural Semarang International Batik and Craft Festival. With Indonesians, they shared their common love for batik and discussed innovations in batik market development and production techniques in Semarang.

The Australian trio comprised Vice-President World Crafts Council Asia Pacific Dr Kevin Murray, batik specialist Mr Tony Dyer and Associate Professor Liz Williamson, the head of Design Studies at the University of New South Wales. 

The festival attracted participants from across Indonesia and from overseas. Dr Murray said the festival was a chance to welcome Indonesia back into the World Crafts Council. 

"Through the World Crafts Council, Indonesia will get opportunities to be part of workshops, conferences and exhibitions organized by the council," said Dr Murray. 

Associate Professor Williamson hoped to assist the Indonesian batik practitioners to expand the market for their products and thereby boost their incomes. "I am hoping to facilitate visits by Australian designers to work with Indonesian artists to show them how to integrate new elements and different skills into their work. And also to raise their awareness of the preferences of other markets overseas, such as the use of easy care fabrics," she said.

While Dyer said, "There are some really exciting batiks here in Semarang, reflecting traditional designs that have been adapted and have a contemporary feel. Personally, I really love the traditional designs." 

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty said the Australian Embassy Jakarta was pleased to support the group during its four-day visit to Semarang. “The Semarang International Batik and Craft Festival is a wonderful opportunity for some of Australia’s leading figures in craft and textiles to strengthen their relationships with their Indonesian colleagues,” Australian Ambassador to Indonesia he said in a written statement obtained by Republika. “This is also a valuable chance to foster and promote cross-cultural exchange between Indonesia and Australia through a shared interest in batik and textiles." 


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