Rabu 17 Jul 2013 00:40 WIB

NU and Raptor Capital of Singapore work on Islamic microfinance

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistiawati/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Deputy Chairman Board of Nahdlatul Ulama, As'ad Said Ali (left), and CEO Raptor Caital Management Edmund Tan.
Foto: AP
Deputy Chairman Board of Nahdlatul Ulama, As'ad Said Ali (left), and CEO Raptor Caital Management Edmund Tan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) as the leading of Muslim associations in Indonesia, will collaborate with Raptor Capital Management of Singapore to hold a soft launching of venture capital loans called Nusa Makmur Sharia Microfinance. 

"These loans are intended for savings and credit cooperatives, and also business cooperatives which members have not been touched by national banks and they are in NU's network that have potential of micro and small enterprises," Head Consultant of Nusa Makmur Syariah Microfinance, Dripa Sjabana said on Tuesday.

Nusa Makmur Sharia Microfinance will create new enterpreneurs with a reliable micro Islamic capital. They must use the loans as venture capital, not as consumer capital. This capital uses sharia principles and monitored by sharia supervisory agencies.

Sjabana said that a minimum loans worth two million IDR and a maximum of 15 million IDR. The borrower might obtain approval recommendation from three parties, such as friend of group, scholars or leaders of NU, and cooperative. This program would begin in October 2013 in Sumenep, East Java. He expected that this program would reach all savings and credit cooperatives Indonesia. 





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