Sabtu 03 Aug 2013 00:03 WIB

Indonesia revokes Iranian VoA

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
An officer shows passport belong to Iranian immigrants in South Jakarta. Indonesia becomes transit point for immigrants before they depart for Australia. (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
An officer shows passport belong to Iranian immigrants in South Jakarta. Indonesia becomes transit point for immigrants before they depart for Australia. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to revoke policy of visa on arrival (VoA) for Iran citizens. Revocation aims to prevent asylum seekers who use Indonesia as a transit point to reach Australia. 

"There is strong indication that VoA is often misused. In fact, number of citizens who enter Indonesia are different with number who depart," Spokesman of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Michael Tene said on Friday.

Tene said not all countries could get VoA facility. VoA provision to Iran was originally intended to support promotion of tourism. Iranian immigrants in Indonesia often cause problems.

On last Tuesday there were 60 Iranian immigrants rescued after two days their boat sank in South Sea, Cilacap, West Java. They sailed by wooden boat from Jampang River and the boat sank 55 miles from the coastline. 

Meanwhile Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship confirmed on Friday the successful transfer of 39 asylum seekers to Papua New Guinea (PNG), according a writen statement from Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Earlier, the first group of 40 asylum seekers were also transferred on Thursday.

Australia intends to stick by its commitment that, as of July 19, no matter where an asylum seeker arrives in Australia by boat, they won’t be settled in Australia. Under the new arrangement signed with PNG, unauthorized arrivals will be sent to PNG for assessment and if found to be refugees, will be settled there. 


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