Kamis 31 Oct 2013 14:00 WIB

3 Malaysians suspects in Riau forest fire case

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Haze limits visibility in some area in Indonesia forest fire or land clearing using fire, last year.
Foto: Antara/Untung Setiawan
Haze limits visibility in some area in Indonesia forest fire or land clearing using fire, last year.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU - Riau Police and Consulate of Malaysia will conduct legal process of three Malaysian citizens allegedly involved in forest fires in Riau. The three suspects are officials of PT ADEI Plantation and Industry operating in Pelalawan district, Riau. The company is a big subsidiary of palm oil and its derivatives, based in Kuala Lumpur Kehpong Berhad, Malaysia.

"Of course we are coordinating suspects to the Consulate. We inform that their citizens are involved in legal issues," Head of Public Relations in Riau Police, Guntur Aryo Tejo said recently.

Head of Unit I Sub IV of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate in Riau Police, Com Pol Nurbasri said that two suspects were processed in Riau Police headquarters related to Pelalawan forest fires, while one other suspect was processed at Police Headquarters in Jakarta related to its development with company's licensing.

Company deliberately helps in clearing land for palm oil plantations. Suspects burned areas of residents who partner with PT ADEI. Company cooperates with residents through a system of Primary Cooperative Credit Member to open palm oil plantations.

In investigation, Directorate of Criminal Investigation Specials has asked reports from 27 witnesses from company and seven expert witnesses. Suspects have violated Article 48 and 49 of Law Plantation and Article 98 and 99 of Law Protection and Environmental Management. 

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