Kamis 31 Oct 2013 19:51 WIB

Boediono speaks of RI's education progress at oxford university

Wapres Budiono
Foto: Republika
Wapres Budiono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Vice President Boediono spoke of the progress achieved by Indonesia in developing its education sector, during a speech delivered at Oxford University here on Wednesday.

"We are serious about reforming the education sector," he said while delivering a lecture entitled "Transforming Indonesia: The Challenges of Good Governance and Economic Development" at the university.

The government currently allocates 20 percent of the state budget to develop the education sector, he said.

In 2013, the government has adopted a number of policies, including raising teachers' salaries and implementing a teacher certification program to introduce new school curricula, he said.

In addition, it also has provided subsidies to all registered schools in the country and extended scholarships to poor students, he said.

The vice president added that the geographical condition of the sprawling Indonesian archipelago has prompted the government to consider expanding online learning systems.

Of note, the vice president said, in the medium-term, a lack of skilled workers will pose a serious challenge to the country's economic growth.

The result of a survey conducted by the World Bank in 2010 indicates that the skill of Indonesia's senior high school graduates is below employers' expectations, he said.

"We are focusing our education reforms on improving the quality of and access to education," he said.

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