Kamis 31 Oct 2013 22:15 WIB

Indonesia chairs 'Open Government Partnership 2014

Wapres Budiono membuka Kongres Kehutanan Indonesia (KKI) V di Auditorium Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta, Selasa (22/11).
Foto: Dok. Humas Kemenhut
Wapres Budiono membuka Kongres Kehutanan Indonesia (KKI) V di Auditorium Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta, Selasa (22/11).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Indonesia has assumed the chairmanship from Britain of the "Open Government Partnership" for 2014.

British prime minister David Cameron handed over the chairmanship to Indonesian vice president Boediono at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center here on Thursday.

A number of heads of state and government attended the function, including President Jakaya Kikwete from Tanzania, Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan from Ivory Coast, Prime Minister Besir Atalay from Turkey, Deputy Prime Minister Konstyantyn Gryshchenko from Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Assat Issekheseve from Kazakhstan and Deputy Prime Minister Igor Luksic from Montinegro.

Some two hundred representatives from international and Indonesian non-governmental organizations also attended the event.

Indonesia's head of the President's Working Unit for Development Supervision and Control (UKP4), Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, said the OGP has 61 member countries, including Indonesia.

OGP is a movement committed to building transparency, accountability and quality of public service in the member countries.

He said the presence of Indonesian vice president Boediono at the event was important and strategic, as it indicates that various improvements in the public service sector have been made in Indonesia.

"A total of 1,200 participants from 89 countries will attend the annual gathering, so that the presence of the Indonesian representative at the meeting would be very important with regard to sharing experiences in improving its public service," he said.

Indonesia is one of the eight countries that created the OGP, the others being Brazil, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, Britain and the US.

Since its first being launched in January 2011, the movement has received support from the ministries and state institutions in the country, Kuntoro said.

He also said competition has been introduced to increase innovations in improving public service.

As the new OGP chair, he said, Indonesia is obliged to organize various activities, seminars and other international events.

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