Jumat 08 Nov 2013 13:09 WIB

Indonesia - Australia discuss Colombo Plan in Bali

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa
Foto: Antara/Suwandy
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA -- Bilateral meeting between Indonesian and Australian Foreign Minister, Marty Natalegawa and Julie Bishop in Nusa Dua, Bali discussed about details of Colombo Plan. It focused on development of human resources in both countries.

"We have a lot of opportunities to improve relations between both countries," Natalegawa said after Bali Democracy Forum VI in Bali.

Natalegawa said that both countries were looking for new ways to further enhance cooperation. Bishop added that the meeting discussed about various things, one of them was Colombo Plan. Australian government thanked to Indonesian government to be one of four countries in Asia Pacific region as place for youth exchange.

"Australian students can have opportunity to learn directly with local communities in Indonesia. This cultural relation is very nice," Bishop said.

The two foreign ministers also discussed other cooperation, such as human resources development, negotiation on goods delivery through sea lanes and other cooperation agreements. Bishop said that she wanted this discussion brought into multilateral framework, such as in G-20 meeting which will be held in Australia in 2014.

Beside G-20, meeting of world trade ministers or WTO meeting will also be held in Bali on December 2013. It is also expected to discuss in increasing trade cooperation between Indonesia and Australia.

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