Kamis 21 Nov 2013 00:03 WIB

President to stop three cooperation's with Australia

Hacker beraksi (Ilustrasi)
Hacker beraksi (Ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian government officially stopped three cooperation with Australia. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono explained that this policy was conducted while waiting for responses of Australian government related to their wiretapping action.

First, Indonesia will stop cooperation of intelligence information exchange. Second, Indonesia will suspend military cooperation with Australian Navy, Air Force, and Army. Third, Indonesia will stop all coordination over people smuggling. Yudhoyono said that Indonesia and Australia have cooperated on issues of people smuggling during this, which have been making trouble between the two countries.

"I stop it until everything is clear. It is impossible if we do not believe that there is no tapping for Indonesian Army," Yudhoyono said on Wednesday.

President said that he did not understand why Australian intelligence taped him and his family. He saw that intelligence agency could not spy a country illegally.

"I see that this is a serious problem," Yudhoyono said.

Today, President sends a letter directly to Australian Prime Minister, Tonny Abbot to seek clarification about the wiretapping. He also asked Abbot to give an official statement to Indonesian government, not only to community in the country. Esthi Maharani/Mutia Ramadhani

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