Senin 16 Dec 2013 01:33 WIB

Mugabe says mining cash will be used to help poor

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Robert Mugabe
Foto: AP/Geert Vanden Wijngaert
Robert Mugabe

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HARARE -- Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe vowed Saturday to use mining earnings to help the poor, and called on Zimbabweans to form their own companies to benefit from the forced sell-off of foreign-owned firms.

Closing his party's annual conference in the farming town of Chinhoyi, the veteran president told Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa to present a pro-poor budget next week.

"Find money Chinamasa," he said to loud applause from thousands of supporters. "You can't say there is no money. Where is our platinum going? Where is our gold going? Where are our diamonds going? "The budget must tell a new story. Those who work must be paid above the poverty datum line. We can't really be at peace with our hearts if we say our people must continue to work for next to nothing."

Mugabe, 89, urged Zimbabweans to form their own companies to take part in his government's "indigenisation" programme, which forces foreign companies to cede majority shares to local black investors.