Selasa 17 Dec 2013 05:34 WIB

Indian woman delivers 10 dead babies

Minuman sehat untuk ibu hamil
Minuman sehat untuk ibu hamil

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW DELHI -- A woman from a remote village in central India has created a medical record by giving birth to 10 babies at a time, doctors said Monday.

The 28-year-old woman, Anju Kushwaha, of Koti village in the state of Madhya Pradesh, gave birth to nine babies on the way to a hospital in Rewa district late Sunday night. She delivered the 10th baby at the Sanjay Gandhi Memorial hospital, the doctors said.

But tragically, all the babies died. The woman, however, survived the ordeal.

"She delivered nine of them midway. Obstetrics at our hospital helped her to deliver the 10th one in the operation theater -- all were born dead at almost 12 weeks," Dr. S.K. Pathak of the hospital told media.

The doctors claim that this is the largest ever reported number of fetuses in one womb. In 1971, a doctor in Rome had removed 15 fetuses from a 35-year-old woman's womb.

sumber : Xinhua
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